Chapter 5 : Evan

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I regret yelling at Georgia. I want to apologise to her in a better manner. I think that I will treat her to a meal to apologise to her. But , I don't know how to ask her for a meal with me . I guess I should call Owen or Ed as they are quite good with girls as they have girlfriends . I will call one of them when I get time off from my work .

I was in the kitchen working with a dish and I could feel someone staring at me . It was Georgia. She is still staring at me . Now she looked away as soon as I saw her staring at me . She was wearing a necklace with a heart on it . I guess her boyfriend must have given it . I think she has a girlfriend. She is working with a dish too . I needed some help so I called her name . "Georgia, can you help me cook this "."Sure will be there in a minute"."Okay".

She helped me cook the kimchi that a customer ordered."Thanks for helping me Georgia "."No problem Evan".

I am enjoying my new work . It's fun being here . People here are so kind and generous. I got some time off from work , so I called Owen . But,he was on a date with his girlfriend so he said he can't talk to me . I called Ed and luckily he answered my call."Hello"."Hello Evan, what's up" . "Nothing, I just needed some help talking to a girl"."Evan you are talking to a girl , are you serious or am I dreaming?". "No I am going to ask her for a meal with me as I yelled at her earlier and I want to apologise"."Okay so why would you yell at a girl? Who is that lucky girl you are going on a date with? Is she your girlfriend?"." No Ed she is not my girlfriend, I am not going on a date with her and why I yelled at her is a long story, can you please just tell me how to ask her on a meal?"."Yeah sure, first you go near her and say hi and then have some random conversation and then hold eye contact for a minute and then ask directly what you want, got it?"."Okay got it,Thank you"."No worries,tell me about your date afterwards ". "Ed!!"."Okay bye"."Bye"

I took Ed's advice and went to ask her for a meal . "Hi Georgia"."Hi Evan,What's up"."Nothing , just came to say hi to you "."You enjoying your work". "Yes I am, Georgia"."Evan your cooking skills are good"."Thanks Georgia"."Welcome Evan"."Georgia,

Would you like to come for dinner at my place?"."Yeah,I would love it".

"When are you free"."I guess tomorrow night"."Okay,give me your number so I can text you the address"."Okay not it down"."Okay will text you the address tonight"


I did it . Oh my god i did it for the first time in my damn life. It wasn't that hard as it seemed it would be. Okay . So tomorrow Georgia is coming to my home for dinner. That means I need to dress nicely, keep my home clean,get some drinks and the main thing is cook something nice. I drove home and slept as soon as I got in as I was really tired.

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