chapter three

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Third person pov

The babies were now 90 days after birth. Then today is the most beautiful day . Came that today the babies get their names from their dad. So the house were decorated by so many items for the function. In the house, there are zain's family, aditi's family, their friends, priest etc. So when the clock hits 11:00 am, the priest started the Pooja and tell the mother to bring the babies here. So Aditi went to the nursery and bring them down to the function. And priest tells them to sit with them with one with mother and one with father. They agreed and do what the priest said. Then
Priest asked to take the Banyan tree leaf and one coin then put that in the left of the baby's ear and tell the name you have in mind by 3 times. So Zain picks the leaf and coin and put it in the left ear of the baby and starts to say the name " THYME IMAM, THYME IMAM, THYME IMAM" . After that he gave thyme to Aditi and picks the other baby from her and do all the things he wants to do and say the name " REN IMAM, REN IMAM, REN IMAM" . Then all of them were congratulating then for selecting beautiful names for the baby boys. After that all relatives and friends gifted the babies so many gold rings, chains,
dresses, toys, gold necklace etc. After the functions are over they started to take photos of the babies with each other, with family, with mommy's families and daddy's families and mommy daddy's friends. Soon they all went to eat the lunch and talked and at the evening all said their good byes and went to their houses.

At evening

The babies were sleeping in the crib in their nursery. The parents are in their room doing chitchat with their friends on the phone. Soon they got bored so they said their good byes to their friends and put their phones on the side table to be recharged for tomorrow's emergency. Then the two ready for sleep by bath and with a wonderful cuddling session they fell into a beautiful dreaming sleep.

So that's it guys hope you guys like this part and please let me know how the chapter is going till far. And then if you like the part please give the like and comment on the comment section . I am keen to see them. Also stay safe and healthy my readers.

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