LAP 2: Mayank's Final Race(SAO PUOLO GP)/Haruto Nakamura's Program

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The Chapter goes to PRESENT 2026, the chat goes on where Natasha said in question to her husband Rahul, "Rahul! Did you forced Karan to study when you both were teenagers?" Rahul replied to her wife Natasha, "Absolutely not! He studied day n Night...

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The Chapter goes to PRESENT 2026, the chat goes on where Natasha said in question to her husband Rahul, "Rahul! Did you forced Karan to study when you both were teenagers?" Rahul replied to her wife Natasha, "Absolutely not! He studied day n Night for a year". Lakshya asked to Karan, "And you Karan, Did you secured good marks in exams those years?" Karan replied without hesitation, "Yes! I do secured decent marks in my examination. It was tough". Tara asked to Karan's father, "Uncle! I heard that you were also racing last year on 2013 Season's final race, Did you win or at least did you got the podium? Please tell us!!". Rahul also insisted that Natasha and rest of the members should know, "Uncle Mayank! Please share your memories with them too". Mayank replied in ease, "Okay!! Okay!!" Mayank narrates his F1 2013 Season's Brazillian Grand Prix (THE FINAL RACE OF THE SEASON)-   



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The story goes back to the flashback past of year 2013 F1 Brazillian Sao Puolo Grand Prix where Mayank had placed 3rd on the Grid on yesterday's qualifying round. His Mentor Peter D Cruz the Race Engineer and the owner of RED BULL RACING said to Mayank in question through Headphone, "Alright! Mayank! Communication Check!! Can you hear me?". Mayank showed his thumb up and replied, "Peter! I can hear you". Peter got Mayank's reply and said to him in Communication station in the Pits, "Alright! You are ready to go". Team Manager orders the Pit Crew, "Okay! Drop the car!!". Red Bull's Pit crew dropped down the car on the Pit area floor. The Medias are capturing photos. Millions of Spectators were arrived to watch the race. "Todos os Pilotos vão paro o grid de largada!!! (All racers head to the starting Grid!!!)", The Announcement comes from the Mic in Portugese. All racers started their ignition of their F1 Race cars. Mayank and his team mate also started their ignition. The Announcement from the Mic. once again said, "Race Begins in 2 Minutes!!!". Mayank left the Pitlane and accelerated on the Race track. Peter gave Mayank some basic information to him, "Alright! Mayank! You are on racetrack now. You are on the rolling start. Let your Tyres get hot and warm before your race. The total lap of this Race is 71. The distance of this track is 2.677 Miles. You can do this Mayank!!". Mayank replied to Peter, "Roger Peter!!". Mayak accelerates the car and weaving the car sideways on the track. After arriving at the 3rd grid Line. Race Track's lights🚥 is glowing Red. The announcement of Race time said to all racers, "60 Seconds to the the Race begins!!". Few seconds later the time starts counting down, "10!! 09!! 08!!...". All racers including Mayank started the ignition of the car. All racers revs their engines through gas paddle, "VROOM!!! VROOM!!!! VROOM!!!". The Race Marshals at the very back waving the green flag as an indication to all drivers as they all are ready to go. The engines noise roars to everyone's ears. All the spectators closed their ears as the F1 cars were making loud noises. The countdown ends with, "03!! 02!! 01!!". The Race lights turned off with lights out. Peter tells to Mayank on the Radio, "GO!!! GO!! GO!!!". All racers including Mayank and his teammate Alex on their separate race cars accelerated in highspeed. All cars were speeding 300Km/h on the track. Mayank increased the speed turning every corners and curves. He hits the DRS on the straights. Coming to the Lap 10, Peter said to Mayank in Radio, "Mayank! two Ferrari cars in front of you. You are catching up to them. They are in slipstream!!". Mayank replied, "They are on different strategy I guess". He asked to Peter, "Should I overtake them?" Peter D Cruz tells to him, "You maintain your position Mayank. Straight DRS (DRAG REDUCTION SYSTEM) system would be coming in front of you. Save your tyres. You are on Lap 10". Mayank replied, "Copy that! Peter!". Mayank shifted and increased the gear with the paddle shifter. He than overtakes 2 cars from team Ferrari on Lap 11. He is now taken top lead position. Mayank's team Red Bull Racing cheered for Mayank. Few Laps had completed out of 71 where other team racers were pushing their strength by accelerating and their rivalry were very intense. Meanwhile, Rahul increased his pace but suddenly he saw the other teams MC LAREN and RACING POINT were spun out and had an contact collided to each other on turn 14. His Car's tyres were wearing off. Mayank is on 1st position. He said to Peter, "Peter! My tyres! they are wearing out!". Peter tells to Mayank, "I heard it. The Marshals were waving yellow flag. Come to the the pit lane. You have to change your tyres. Now!!". 3 race cars came in to the Pit box. Mayank was overtaken by other cars on the track during the tyre change. After his tyre change, Mayank left the pits with fresh new tyres. Mayank asked to Peter, "Peter! Which position am I right now?" He has fallen back on 5th Position as his competitors overtaken him and the Green flag waved by the the marshals after the incident. Peter and rest of his team replied to him on Radio, "You are on 5th Position. Go! Get them! Push the gas paddle. PUSH!! PUSH!! PUSH!!". Mayank said little frustrating way, "Crap!!". He shifts the paddle shifter, increasing the gear and accelerates the speed. He continued to overtake 2 cars on the straights. He saw at the digital steering wheel where he saw he is racing 200KM/H. He reached at the turns decreased the speed by shifting down the gear and hitting the brakes on the apex curve and later increased the gear and he accelerates it's speed further. He continued like this and Mayank maintained his position. Peter and rest of his team were looking at the telemetry where Mayank has overtaken few cars. 69 Laps had been completed including extra pitstops where Mayank is currently on 8th Position and his Teammate is on 7th Position. Mayank is closing to his teammate Alex. Alex in his Race car speeding and accelerating gets the order from his RED BULL Team on the team radio where Peter says to him, "Alex! Your teammate Mayank is closing fast towards you. And he is 2 seconds behind you. Please give him the pass to overtake". Alex replied by following the order, "ROGER!!". While Mayank on his tail, Peter said to Mayank on the radio, "You have to go on 3rd Mayank! Go!! get the Podium and bring the Trophy Home!!". Mayank smirks and replied, "Considerate done!!". Mayank accelerate the speed on his foot at the gas paddle. Alex and Mayank accelerating their cars side by side. Alex opened his helmet glass and said to him, "Bring it home Mate!!". He also showed his thumb finger to Mayank. Mayank nodded his head with his helmet and increased the gear with his paddle shifter and overtakes Alex and comes to the Apex corner, he hits the brakes really hard and again increased the speed. Mayank is on now 7th. He overtakes 3 Race cars. Peter said to him, "Mayank! Well done! You are now on 4th position, 70 Laps you are about to complete. Just keep up the pace until you gain approach towards MERCEDES". Mayank replied, "Copy that!!".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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