Uruha Hates Airport Security

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The members all met at the station with their luggage. And immediately you could tell the different attitudes toward this trip. Reita was half awake, and could be easily annoyed if one of the members did something minor. Ruki wore his best clothes from Nildenilun, and had the most optimistic personality. He was so excited to go to Dubai that he couldn’t sleep for 4 days straight. Kai was just excited to see everyone talking and being out and about, which was what he wanted more than anything. Uruha stood out the most on the train, or literally just in general. Instead of using normal luggage to carry his things, he instead bought the entire set of Louis Vuitton luggage and bags, with his reasoning being “I wanna make sure people: A, know I have money, and B, tell which is mine in baggage claim”, which was his idea of a “smart” plan.

The only one that wasn’t either asleep or excited was Aoi. He is deathly terrified of planes. And you’d think that he wouldn’t be because of how many times he’d been on tour, in a plane. But everytime, without fail, Aoi would feel horrible until 3 hours AFTER they got off the plane, which is why they made a rule that they couldn’t immediately go to one of their shows right after landing. But now this was for fun. A trip not related to work. And yet he still had to face extreme fear and anxiety on the way to the airport.

If you sat right in front of the GazettE on that train, you would see Aoi, on the brink of passing out with Kai patting his back and laughing at him. You’d see Reita sleeping, Uruha tapping away on his phone and Ruki pestering the both of them, constantly asking “Are you guys excited”, which would be replied with “Shut up Ruki, oh my god you are so loud it is 2 in the morning.” Which Ruki would turn to Kai and Aoi and ask the same question. Where then Aoi would almost start crying.

A girl around 15-16 years old came up to Kai and the dying Aoi and asked if they were in fact The GazettE. Kai hesitated saying yes, so he turned to Aoi who genuinely looked dead. And then Reita, who was sleeping, then Uruha and Ruki who were too distracted to notice. He finally decided that he should, thinking that it wouldn’t hurt, because she might only want a photo, which was normal at this point.

“Uhh.. Yeah..” He said, sounding too nervous accidentally.

“OMG! Wait, really?? Akito! Come here!! It’s actually them.” People were now staring at them, extremely confused why there was a schoolgirl yelling at this group of men, at 2 in the morning, mind you, AND ON THE TRAIN. And it might be that this girl is just another tube girl, but she had so much confidence to start shouting to her boyfriend across the train car.

He then also came over and they started fawning over them and the members were pretty confused, rightfully. Reita finally said through the confusion. “Did you guys want a picture, or something?”

They then looked at each other overjoyed and nodded aggressively and took a picture with them. They finally left and Kai let out the longest sigh known to man. “Why didn’t you just lie, man. Now everyone is giving us dirty looks.” Uruha said from across the bench.

“Well, I didn’t think she would start yelling and causing a commotion, so you can’t really blame everything on me.”

And shortly after that, the train finally arrived at their destination, where they all got off but with Aoi having shaky legs and Uruha struggling to grab all of his 10 bags in one hand. And after acquiring some help, Uruha got all of his bags out and they called a taxi that would take them to the airport. Uruha’s bags served as a sixth person, so they had to call two instead. The first taxi had Aoi, Ruki, and Reita, while the second had Kai, Uruha and Uruha’s bags. Because it was only 3 am, there was barely any traffic on the way to the airport and they arrived around the same time.

Kai got their tickets and they started walking towards the airport security. Aoi started shaking so much that you could barely and Uruha looked over and said “Don’t worry, I hate airport security as well. You’re not alone, buddy” Aoi then stopped shaking, looked at him, and pretended to punch him. In front of A LOT of people. “Bro calm down, I was just joking..”

They got in line and waited to have their bags checked. Everyone got through until it was Uruha’s bag and all the people working gave him the nastiest look because of his horrifying amount of luggage he had with him. It took them 25 minutes just to get through all of them until in the last one, a medium sized one. Uruha had accidentally packed the full size bottle of his favorite cologne-which cost 20000 yen-and because of the laws in both Japan and Dubai, he couldn’t keep it. This pushed his negative opinion of airport security even further. He finally got out of line and met up with everyone else, where they asked him what took him so long. Without the amount of sulking and whining, he told them what happened.

They were starting to run late after the whole Uruha incident and had to speed walk to their gate, but they did make it in time (thankfully)

The Gazette and the Trip to DubaiWhere stories live. Discover now