| 29 | Sunlight ☀︎︎

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Adonis is supposed to come back today, I'm not sure if I'm excited for him to be back or excited to go home and to be in my own space. Don't get me wrong, I haven't absolutely hated staying here, it's been kinda nice getting to know Theo and Flynn. Finding out that Lottie has a secret boyfriend who happens to be my stalker best friend wasnt exactly what I was expecting to happen but I guess I need to start expecting the unexpected.

"Hey, we're running out to the store, do you want anything?" Flynn asks as he and Theo are walking out the door, I shake my head. "No thanks. Be safe!" we exchange goodbyes and they leave.

A few minutes later I'm sitting on the couch, reading a book when the doorbell rings, I set my book down and walk out of the living room, down the hall and to the front door. I'm too short to look out the peephole so I open it.

When I do there's a woman standing there, she's about my height with long jet black hair and striking blue eyes, she has pale skin but it's decorated with beautiful freckles. Her expression turns dark when she sees me, like she's mad that I'm the person in front of her.

"Hi, can I help you?" I greet her politely and her scary expression never falters, she narrows her eyes at me for a moment, looking me up and down as if she's sizing me up like we're opponents in a wrestling match.

"Where's Adonis," she demands, her voice is sultry and dangerous. I blink a few times, taken aback by her strange way of asking.

"He's not here, can I take a message?" I continue being as polite as I can, she doesn't seem to care about my attempt at pleasantries.

"Who are you?" she snaps, seeming to grow more and more irritated by the minute. She seems dangerous, like she's not the type of girl you want to make upset.

"I uh- I'm Marce—"

"Are you his girlfriend?" she cuts me off, I stall, I'm not his girlfriend but I have a feeling this isn't going to go well for me no matter how I answer. 

"N-no I-im just—" I stutter

"Has he fucked you?" she accuses, I freeze, this isn't ending well for me.

"I-I don't feel comfortable answering," I answer in the best way I know how to. She pauses, thinking for a moment before speaking again.

"So he has," she mutters through gritted teeth, then she mutters something in another language, I can't tell what it is because she's barely speaking over a whisper.

I go to speak again, but before I can she's pushing me inside and onto the ground, everything happened so fast that I didn't even have time to react. She's pinning me down and I'm shocked that a girl my size is as strong as a buff man, I struggle against her, trying to push her off of me but she's too strong.

"He's mine, he's always been mine," she bites, anger burns in her bright blue eyes. I gulp, my whole body is on fire, and fear spikes in my veins. "W-what!? I don't even wa—"


What. The. Fuck.

Did she seriously just slap me? Oh fuck no.

I use all of my strength to roll us over, I get out from under her and run down the hall, I'm pissed now, but, as much as I'd like to kick her ass I know I would lose. So running until someone gets home is my best bet.
I don't hear footsteps following me, so when I get to a corner I turn my head to see if she's following me, to my surprise she is, I swore I never even heard a creek from one of the floorboards.

Looking behind me was a mistake, it gave her just enough time to catch up to me, she grabbed me, slamming me against the wall and I groaned when my skull collided with the hard wall.
"Get off of me!" I scream, my voice breaking when I do.

"Shut the fuck up," she hisses, pulling me back for a moment just to slam me back into the wall, I pinch my eyes as my body is rammed into the wall again. Pain shoots through my body and I can feel the ache in my back already. My head is throbbing and my vision is going blurry.

"What do you want from me!?" I croak out in a weak scream, it's pathetic, really.

"I want you dead, dead so Adonis can get over his little crush on you and remember me, we're meant to be together," she grits, anger drips off her words and I'm genuinely scared for my life. This woman is going to kill me and I will never see my mom, my best friend, anyone ever again... I won't get to see Adonis ever again.. And the last thing I did was be rude to him...

She pulls me off the wall and I brace myself to be slammed into it, but instead, I'm thrown to the ground. She's pushed me to my knees, and before I can even try to get up she's grabbed a nearby cord and wrapped it around my throat.

I grab it with my hands but it's no use, She's pulling so hard that it's cutting into my fingers, I cough, trying to suck in air but nothings happening.
I try to push my body backwards to give myself some slack, but as I'm moving she's pushing her heel into my back, pushing me into the cord.

The room is going black and my lungs are on fire, muffled sounds come from around me but I can't make them out.

This is it.

Everything I've ever done has led me to this moment, I'm dying, being choked by a woman I've never met before.

Maybe I deserve this cruel end, a consequence of my mistakes. Payment for my sins.

Death has finally come to claim my soul.

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