Chapter 24: Cayson

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While we're lying in bed, Brinley looks up at me.


"Yeah, baby?"

"I love you." I stay silent. She's staring in my eyes; I'm frantically searching hers. I'm still silent.

"Are you going to say something?"

"Brinley, I thought...I thought you knew what this was."

She gets up off of me immediately and starts getting dressed.

"What do you mean Cayson? We've been spending all of our time together and last night...I thought you loved me."

"Love you?! I haven't even told you that I liked you yet, we've just been hanging out!"

"Hanging out? Cayson, you can't be serious?"

She's on the verge of tears. I can see myself breaking her heart.

"Brinley." I try to walk up to her and put my hands on her face. She turns away. I can tell she doesn't want me touching her.

"Cayson, do you, or do you not have feelings for me?"

"I...I don't know."

"Yes, you do. It's a simple question. I'm not asking you if you love me, I'm asking you if you have feelings for me."

"I thought that when we didn't talk about what we were doing, we were on the same page. I didn't know that you were here falling in love with me!"

She's completely clothed and I'm just finishing up getting dressed.

"I can't even believe this."

She's walking out to the living room and I follow her.

"Brinley. I just, I can't....I don't know!"

"Get out."


"Get the fuck out Cayson!" She's throwing my shit everywhere. She runs to the door and opens it, throwing more of my shit out.

"Brinley, don't do this. Let's talk about this."

Tears are streaming down her face. "Cayson, get the fuck out. I don't want to even look at you. You disgust me. You're disgusting, and now I feel disgusting. I can't believe you. I can't believe all this time I thought that we had something, that we were together, that you liked me, and I was hoping, just hoping that you were falling in love with me too! Just get the fuck out and don't come back."

I step closer, trying to touch her in any way I can.

"If you don't get out Cayson, I'm going to call the cops. Don't even think about coming back either. I'll call the cops and have them arrest you for trespassing."

I grab whatever I can out of her apartment and start gathering up everything that she threw outside. I'm standing at her doorway, my arms are full, my eyes are starting to sting, I'm sure they're red.

"Brinley, please, I – " She slams the door in my face and locks it. I can hear her turn the deadbolt, probably so I can't get back in with the key she gave me.

I go home. I don't know what else to do. I don't know what happened this morning. Hearing her say what she did caught me off guard. I'm such a fuck up for saying what I did. I didn't mean it like that, hell, I've never meant it like that. It's never just been a fuck buddy situation. Every single time we've been together, it's because I've wanted to be with her. I have to find a way to explain myself. She kicked me out of her place this morning, started throwing out my shit, and told me never to come back. She told me if I ever came back, she'd call the cops. I think she was serious.

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