Chapter 1: Brinley

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It's 8:00 A.M. and class should be starting any minute. I rush into my class before the professor does. I grab a seat next to my best friend, Fay. It's the first day of our final year of college! I'm so excited. Fay and I met on the first day of high school and we've been inseparable ever since. It's our last year together in school and then we are off on separate adventures. She plans to leave after this year to pursue her career in fashion. She wants to move all the way to New York and I couldn't be happier for her. I, on the other hand, don't really know what I want to do. All I know is that whatever I want will require a lot of money, time, and school; None of which, I have. Anyway, we plan to spend this year living it up and being devoted to our adventures together and making the most of everything.

The professor walks in and it's already off to a serious start. He's passing out the class outline to the person in the front of every row to have them pass back. I can't stand sitting in the front of my classes. I feel like the professors pick on you more and I just don't enjoy being the center of attention. The person in front of me is holding two in their hand above their head, I grab them, and hold my hand out behind me to have the person behind me grab the last one. Nobody is grabbing anything, so I wave my hand around for some movement and to hopefully get their attention. Still nothing. I turn around and get the top of somebody's head. I politely reach over and tap his shoulder and he looks up at me. Jesus fucking Christ. He looks beautiful. He has jet black hair with fades on either side, and a full head of hair on top that is slicked back. His eyes are so big and brown, they look like pools of chocolate. I assume I'm staring too long because what pulls me out of my thoughts is a snap in front of my face.


"Huh, what?"

"You tapped me on the shoulder. What did you want?"

"Oh, here."

I hand him the syllabus and he grabs it from my hand without even saying thank you and then I see him put his earphones back in. I turn to Fay and mouth "what the fuck was that?" She looks behind me and then back at me and shrugs. I look over my shoulder to get a quick glance at him and in the corner of my eye, I could see him staring right at me. I turn forward and don't dare to turn around for the rest of class.

Once class is over, Fay and I walk out and head to our next class. Thankfully, we scheduled our first two classes together. We can start every morning with a coffee and then walking to class with each other from our places. We literally live just off of campus in the apartments right next to each other. We knew we wanted to attend school here in California as soon as we were old enough. We've loved this college since we were little. It is so cute and quaint, and exactly what we were looking for as far as atmosphere. We toured here and put down deposits on apartments right out of high school. We worked all Summer to save up for the essentials we would need and to get us at least the first three months of bills. We originally planned on living together, but ultimately decided against it because our living styles are completely different, that, and she is always having company over. So, we both felt it was best if we just got apartments next to each other instead of sharing.

While we're walking, Fay starts talking about the guy behind me.

"He seems like a dick."

"I think maybe he just wasn't paying attention –" Just as I'm about to finish my sentence and give this guy the benefit of the doubt, somebody pushes between Fay and I. We both look over and see the guy we were just talking about pushing his way in between us, even though there was plenty of space on either side of us.

"UH, EXCUSE YOU!" I yell out.

He stops in his tracks and turns around.

"You're excused. Don't walk in the middle of the hallway."

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