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Dark grey clouds slowly thundered into existence, the calming smell of rain beginning to make itself known. Down further in a lush green woods, a group of military was scouting through the area. At first sight there had only seemed to be six of them, two of which were females whilst the other were males. It was supposed to be a rather standard get in and get out situation after having gotten concerning calls of help through the radio. Everything was different however.. fuzzy, tense and the smell of rotten fruit could fill the air. One of the females had furrowed her eyebrows whilst she carefully stepped over a recently fallen long, her bright ice blue eyes pausing on the log as she had one leg on the other side of it to cross over it, a harsh, wet crunch sounding to her step. She faltered almost, her eyes slowly looking over the dry bark, rain starting to dribble onto her body. She took the step back that was supposed to take her over the log. The log or well.. tree was completely torn up from the roots, claw marks slashed and dug straight into more of the base of the tree. The claws stretched the length of the larger tree but what made her heart begin to race, was the sight of dark red liquid staining the green grass under the log, slowly seeping further from it to under the females feet.

"Sarge..?" Her voice echoed into the silent sound soaking forest, a gentle quiver in her throat. One of the older males had paused to the name, his head quietly turning to look a couple of feet to his right. He hummed quietly and strode over to the tree, only to pause to a loud SQUISH. He looked down as well did the female, the other military members having trailed a little closer to see the commotion aside from two who kept their eyes on the environment, being the other female and another male. As the sarge lifted his foot, it had revealed a grotesque eyeball that was now squished all over the floor and the males boot. Confusion struck through the females body but before she could say anything or react, the tree had shifted just a little. The group quickly reacted and pointed their guns to the tree whilst stepping back, the females blue eyes raising to the size of quarters

A boney pair of arms began to dig from out under the tree, flesh, muscle and rotten skin covering some of the areas. A harsh groan and groaned like screech erupted from under the tree, a crack of lighting whipping the land around them as the sun was devoured by the dark, raging clouds. The hands continued to dig, dragging whatever mass that was under the tree slowly out of it in which the tree began to roll backwards due the amount of unholy last strength wiggling below it. With high tension the group had gasped, guns raised and ready to shoot. A bright light clashed the ground near then, causing most of the group to flinch but the female with blue eyes watched the tree with ought blinking, horror filling and fueling her body as she watched what could only be described as a monster crack the tree backwards and raise from the ground with a screech.

This monster was once two beings, their bodies looking melted together with their stomach organs and heart exposed, rotting flesh looking melted from the muscle and bones. There were two heads, one of which was bare to the bone and seemed anything from alive- the other having muscle, tissue, and some skin covering half its face. An eyeball with once pretty brown eyes loosely hanging in the socket, wildly looking to the female. The heads were connected to a large and very muscular neck to a almost cockroach style like body that twisted backwards. It had two hands on its chest that spiraled to a longer build of chest bones before twisting to another pair of hands holding the weight as well as four pair of legs, two of which couldn't work and dragged on the ground behind it. By now shots were fired at the creature, causing it to whip its upper body around with a gurgled screech, blood and pieces of flesh jumping off its body from the shots, red strings wildly stringing from the shot holes and flicking everywhere.

She was frozen, watching as screaming faded around her, the creatures lashing its neck to knock off on of the closer males who bashed into a tree, only after it immediately looked to the female with its wide eye, jaws wide and tongue hanging. She couldn't move, like a spell had been casted over her to keep her frozen, her heart pounding so hard she was positive it was going to burst through her chest, a tremble overcoming her though she had immediately pulled the trigged to her gun as the creature lunged at her with a gurgle. She pleaded her body to move and get away but the monster had gotten to her too soon. In a matter of seconds she felt the boney and bloody hands grip her shoulders, a ear piercing scream erupting from her throat- sharp, hard teeth tearing into the skin of her left shoulder. She thought she was a goner when feeling her own flesh be pulled from her body but it was then the creature yelped, blood spraying from its mouth that it harshly threw the female to the side.

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