Information about the book!

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Ok so this is a book about that Mari dose self harm bc of Lila and Chloe , Mari is done with feeling like shit so she started to cut herself.

That is all I will say for the story but here is some things about me if you don't care I will write about the story soon

. I am 20 years old
. On the 10th of may I will be 21
. I do dance
. I am very flexible
. I don't look 20 ( people say no you look 13, I am like no I am 20 no one believes me bro )
. I love to listen to music
. I love to read
. I do self harm
. I have ptsd ( not from my mum or dad they are the best it was from a person that was looking after me when my mum and dad were out so she was my baby sitter at 12 )
. I broke my wrist at dance
. I tried to kms before
. I am not single

If you wanna ask me anything I will answer them ok and if you ever need to talk I am here just dm me c:

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