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Ok so I had camp for 3 days and came back today but 2 fucking twins brought knives to the camp threatening that they will kill people I am so fucking scared to see them again bc they wanted to kill my friend group and ME. I had. Fucking panic attack like 2 of them it feels like shit like if you wanna know how it feels keep reading this will be only me and my pov ok

So I ran to the room of my cabin that we had and told my friends that were in there then I started to cry and couldn't breathe and shaking so they were saying like calm down you are safe it is ———— and the twin are not going to come here . Then they got the teacher because it was getting worse, the teacher came in and said , it is ok ————— everything is going to be ok but can you please sit next to me on the bed . Then my friends brought me to the bed and at the time I was still crying and shaking and ya ummm there was more but I will write a story next about what happened at my camp and bro this was a 3 day camp and this happened but ya I hope none of you experience that because it was the scariest thing that happened and the twins are banned from that place and ya the teachers were scared and the people that were the tour gides : probably wrong spelling but bro I was so scared it was not even funny but ya that happened but I need to go byeee

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