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Hi so this is so I can just say it is the weekend so I might post a lot but from Monday-Friday I am busy but ya so let's move on

Do not read if you suffer from any of them . Read at your own risk

Mari wake up now! Or you will me late for school, Mari was still sleeping, MARI WAKE UP NOW! Mari finally woke up, what was that for tiki? You were not getting up sorry , don't worry about it tiki it is ok , mari smiled at tiki , tiki looked up at Mari with a sad look in her eyes Mari got sad seeing her Kwami like that she hugged her Kwami and then she got out of bed to get ready for school .

Mari was finally finished so then she got tiki and then went down the stairs to the kitchen to get breakfast and a cookie for tiki. Mari and left to go to school . Hey girl! Hay Alya how are you good you Mari good thanks for asking , btw Mari have you seen Nino anywhere in wanna talk to him, no sorry i have not sorry , it is ok btw Adrian is here go say hi , ok fine .

Mari walked over to Adrien , hey Adrian , hey Mari how are you , good you . good thanks for asking mari
No problem, Adrian lent over to Mari and kissed her on the lips . Well i need to go Mari said and she left but she probably wished she stayed with Adrian .

She saw lila and Chloe walking to her and then said I thought i told you to stay away from Adrian you are going to wish you did listen to us . They started to beat up Mari then when they were happy they left.

When Mari got home she told tiki to leave her alone tiki listened to Mari and did so , Mari went in to the drawer with her razor and popped out the blade from it and started to cut herself she liked it so she cut.
1 cut , 2 cuts 3,4,5,6 till her arm was completely covered

Author notes

How was it did you like it i know i did i hope you will love this book , no one will probably read it but if you got here you have you have made be happy let me know some ideas that you want in this book and i will mention you in the story for that and when i am done i will put all the people that helped me and a big thanks to a person that made me wanna write this story and said to go do it forever_slytherin101
You are the best i hope you like this and i did not let you down i hope you like it c:


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