Well, that's what it said.

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Once the news had gotten round that all the parents had given permission from them to go camping. Now came the task of deciding where, exactly, the gang were going to go. They congregated at Erin's after school the next day on Monday. But not before they had another incident at school. Throughout the day, Michelle had relentlessly harked on about the campsite in Ballycastle. Clare was waiting for Erin and James to speak up. But Erin appeared to be pre-occupied with something else. James knew that anything he said would be easily shut down. Orla appeared impassive to what Michelle was saying. The wee lesbian began to feel herself having palpitations the more she heard Michelle rattle on about the supposed things that went on at the promiscuous campsite. Finally, she couldn't take anymore. In the middle of the hall whilst having lunch. Clare launched herself out of her chair.

"For the love of sweet Jesus, Michelle! I do NOT want to hear about some girl bouncing up and down some lad's bar while I'm trying to FECKING EAT!!!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Clare had screamed so loud; the entire hall turned and stared at her. Yet, doing so, Clare had achieved what she wanted. Michelle stopped talking, Erin snapped back to reality, James looked around awkwardly, feeling the eyes of the entire hall on them. Orla had instinctively crawled up into a ball and covered her ears. Clare shook with embarrassment once she realized they were being watched. She slowly shrivelled back down into her chair. Her embarrassment didn't stop there; Now back at Erin's house. Upon returning back from Strabane, Orla made sure Marco heard the news.

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" Marco shook with laughter.

"It's not funny, Marco!" Clare whined. "It was well embarrassing, so it was."

"Christ. You are such a craic killer, Clare!" Michelle groaned.

"I am NOT a craic killer, Michelle! I just don't fancy going to a camp site of debauchery where people are likely to be cavorting with every other person at every turn!"

"Ach, balls! What does debaucheny and cansorting mean?" Michelle asked Erin.

"Cavorting is just another word for touching each other up, Michelle. And Debauchery is another word for sin." Erin corrected her.

"For fuck's sake. I told you two English ball bags to stop teaching her more fancy words from that fucked up language of yers?!" Michelle snapped at James and Marco. The two lads stood bewildered.

"Yeah, well, despite that little incident.... We're gonna have to change tact and go somewhere else now!" Erin snapped.

"Why?" Michelle asked.

"Because we have to face a little fact, Michelle. If our mammies get wind of us going to a place like that, they'll never trust us again. It's a miracle they said Yes to this!" Erin snapped.

"Alright, fine! But where the fuck are we gonna go for this camping trip?" Michelle snapped back.

James pulled out a map of camping sites around Northern Ireland's coast, they spread it over Erin's bed. "I suppose what we really need to do is to just list the things we wanna do on this trip and make our choice from that." He said to the group.

"Somewhere near a popular attraction?" Erin spoke up.

"I suppose seeing some wildlife, or an historical site would be good craic?" Clare suggested.

"We're not over fucking 60, Clare. Somewhere that's got a good night life. That's what we need." Michelle suggested.

"We'd also need to be near a decent water supply. And near some place where we can stock up the essentials; fruit pastilles, taytos, dip dabs, that sort of thing." Orla spoke up.

Derry Girls: New Horizons, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now