You're my Bodyguard

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While heads were swirling for one reason; Orla's head was swirling for another reason as she walked in Brook Park with Marco. Letting Coco Pops off his leash, the wee dog bounded freely as he chased after his ball across the green, then running amongst the other dogs and walkers in the park while the young pair held hands and walked along the walk path. It had been almost an hour since they left Erin's house, Marco acknowledged Orla's very different, very quiet manner. Her eyes appeared heavy, and he felt her hand shake slightly as she clutched on to his. Orla walked over to a park bench where she sat and cris crossed her legs as if she were sitting in a school assembly. Marco crouched in front of her when she clasped her hand around his wrist and made a gesture while looking at him sternly.

"OK.... Uhmmm..... Did you just handcuff me?" He asked gently.

"Aye, and now yer handcuffed to me, and ye can't get away. Cos I have some questions for ye, and I want ye to tell me the truth." Orla said, holding her wrist up, there was nothing there.

"......OK." Marco answered with caution. "What happens if I don't tell the truth?"

"I'll ask the questions!" Orla shot. "First of all..... Just so I know we're on the level here....." She said motioning her hand back and forth. "What is your full name?" She asked, pointing at him.

"Marco Galluci."

"Where are ye from?"


"Where do ye live?"

"Derry, in Jim's house across the road."

Orla paused. "Complete this sentence: If ye like a lot of chocolate on yer biscuit...."

"Join our club." Marco answered.

".....Very gooooood answer!" Orla acknowledged playfully. "Alright, Who's your best friend?" She returned to business.

"You....." He said.

"Awwwww." Orla's tough expression melted.

"And James.... And Erin..... and Michelle...... and Clare and Laurie." Marco said playfully.

"Yer obviously a tough one to crack.... That'll come in handy." Orla whispered.

Marco squinted his eyes in a puzzling way. "Why's that?"

"Cos if yous get targeted by the Chinese mafia or something, Marco. Yer gonna need to make sur eye don't crack under pressure." Orla answered.

"O-K...... When did the Chinese mafia come into any of this?"

"Since Mae said what she said!" Orla snapped.

"OK, but she got arrested, Orla. I don't think...."

"No, Ye don't understand!" Orla cut Marco off, stomping her foot down. She sprung up from the park bench. "..... It's what Mae said last night.....about...... this money thingamigig?" She paced around in angst.

"OK... OK.... I'm sorry." Marco said calmly. "What's troubling you?"

"I've heard about these wee Chinese fellas who wear dark suits and dark glasses and carry things like ninja stars and these great big swords with them.... And they can come at ye at any time, and ye never hear them coming..... I mean, I'm good with a hunting knife and taking down one person, but if Mae has those fellas coming after yous..... Ooooooh!!!" Orla began to stress.

"Whoa, easy..... Calm down, Orla!" Marco said.

"I CAN'T!!!!! It's gonna take up a lot my time just dealing with them, and then I've got my dance classes, and school on top of that. I don't think I can handle that much responsibility..... And I just don't want anything bad to happen to yous!!" Orla's voice cracked.

Derry Girls: New Horizons, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now