one. shadow

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one. shadow
@ vficsxx

Theo, if I just don't go!" Evelyn yelled throughout the hall before walking into the bedroom, slamming the bedroom door shut behind her.

The door almost immediately swung back open, Theodore storming through oh the other side. "Evie you can't just not return for your third year! You are fourteen years old, start acting like it!"

The two siblings had been arguing throughout their bigger than needed house about Evelyn returning for her third year at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

She was pissed off about constantly living in her brother's shadow, and he was pissed off because he thought she was just being an inconsiderate dick. He always acted like a father, but he's a brother, and Evie was tired of it.

"And you're fifteen, and not my goddamn father so get out!" she screamed from her bed, throwing her arm in the air.

"Evelyn fucking Nott, get your ass out of bed and pack your bag."

"So what? I can live in your shadow and be referred to as "Theo's sister"? No shot."

"Evie, now."

Theodore ended up winning, he always did. He practically dragged her ass from her bed and forced her to pack. Now, she was boarding the train with Pansy, the only other girl in the friend group. Granted, her friends didn't call her "Theo's sister", but they were also his friends.

Their friend group only consisted of Slytherins and sometimes the boys random Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff hookups, but never Gryffidors. They hated them and have hated them since their first year. Especially the "Golden Trio", at least that's what some people at Hogwarts calls them. They mainly referred to them as the try-hards.

The Golden Trio is Harry Potter, the infamous boy-who-lived, Hermione Granger, the smart-ass, and Ronald Weasley, or Weaselbee, as they call him. There were no special redeeming qualities of him, just that he was friends with Harry and Hermione. Besides that, he's just an idiotic asshole.

Evie and Pansy sat in the compartment, where Mattheo was making out with a blonde Hufflepuff chick.

"Merlin, seriously?" Evie scoffed as she sat her bag down. Mattheo looked up, lips moving away from the girl. "What?"

"Already a new hookup bitch?" Pansy laughed and Mattheo gave her a bitchy look.

"He's not interested, get out of our damn compartment," Evie huffed as the blonde girl ran off.

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