four. faking

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four. faking
@ vficsxx

EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS A PART of her that didn't want to, Evie began to trust Mattheo. She let him be her fake boyfriend, even if that meant going on dates even if those Gryffindors wouldn't see them. They were sure the whole school was fooled, even Pansy came up to Evie one day to ask questions.

"Evelyn. Brooklyn. Nott," Pansy said, entering Evie'e dorm one night with no knocking. She didn't even bother to close the door as it sat there side open.

Evie was laid on her bed, studying something from a book for her DADA exam that next day. Pansy stood at the end of her bed, her arm crossed against her chest as she looked like a disappointed mother.

She looked up to Pansy, noticing her expression. "Pans, the door?"

Pansy let out an annoyed sigh as she dropped her arms to the side, then walked over to the door as she shut it.

"Okay, now why am I about to get in trouble?" Evie asked after watching her close the door to her dorm.

"Okay," Pansy took a seat on Evie's bed, facing her, "I know this whole thing with Mattheo is "an act"," she said as she used air quotes, "but it's looking a little too real. Explain." She replaced her arms across her chest as she crossed them again, that same motherly expression plastered on her face.

"Uh huh. That's kind of the point of the whole thing, you know. Besides, it isn't like we've kissed," Evie replied with a chuckle. Watching Pansy put together pieces of a puzzle that didn't exist was quite funny.

"Not yet, you mean. I can just tell by the way he looks at you."

"He looks at me like that to make it look real to the naked eye."

Pansy gasped. "You wouldn't have noticed it unless you liked him."

Evie laughed. "Pansyyyyy, seriously come on!"

"What?!" she laughed. "Am I wrong? I mean, it's all about the looks."

"Listen, even if we did get together, Theo would kill Mattheo, you know this!"

Pansy took a second as she thought about something. "You and Mattheo, you guys are going to the Three Broomsticks tomorrow for a fake date, right?"

Evie nodded. "Right...?" She was confused as to why Pansy was randomly bringing that up.

"Why don't we go dress shopping and pick you out a sexy dress? Then, you get to see Mattheo's reaction and you'll know I'm right."

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