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The God of the sun, archery, music, poetry, and truth.
My father??
I mean it made sense but at the same time it didn't.
I loved the sun. I loved its warmth. I got instantly calm when listening to music. I loved making up stories. But the God of "truth" wasn't very truthful.
Why and how did my mom know my father but not tell Percy his?
Why did he give me up if he was supposed to be warm like the sun?
Why did he - I had a million questions and all I could do was stare at Percy and my mom.
Percy was angry. He felt the same about why "he" didn't visit or why he didn't care until now..
my mom was obviously upset but I could see her shoulders drop as if she lifted heavy armor off her shoulders for the first time in 15 years.
I understood Percy and his actions but I saw something else too. It meant that I was destined for more than what people told me.
All I hear is my father's humming.
It's electric in my veins.
I stare at absolutely anything else than my mom's blue glass eyes.
As we were all with our different emotions a knock came at the door.
Grover, Percy's friend, burst in.
He was soaking wet and smelled like a wet dog.
"Grover??" Me and Percy said at the same time.
"Listen we have to go now! You told him right? But why is Ella here too? This wasn't the deal, Sally!" Grover said as he rushed his words.
"Grover. There was a change of plans. All I know is we need to get them there now." Sally said in a calming voice even though everything else was complete chaos.

It felt like a blur. I was now in the backseat with Grover in Gabe's car. My mom is driving fast and Percy isn't stopping at asking questions. All I can do is look at them and then back out the window. I think my dad also has a gift for smells because I smell too clearly. Grover needs to wear better cologne for him, us now finding out that he's 24. It wasn't that he had small horns growing from his head or goat legs, but it was his smell.
I hug my backpack and stare at Percy through the cars seat.
Percy's curls are still wet at the ends.
"Where are we going? Why can't you answer me, mom?"
"Percy, I told you. -"
My mom got cut off as we all hang on as the car starts to slide from all the rain.
"Everyone okay?!" She yells.
"Guys! Chimera!" Grover yells back.
I spin around so fast and see what I only thought to be in my imagination. It's a monster. A big scary monster that just hit our car. I start to feel nauseous so I whip back around in my seat like I didn't just see that.
"Mom?" I squeak.
"It will be okay! We're almost there! I just have to go fast! Don't look Ella!"
As the anxiety sits in while the car does more sliding and rocking, I close my eyes.
I see my dad's golden curls again. But now I also see a jawline with small stubble. I didn't know how I pulled the picture from my brain but it seemed right. I knew this was my father.
He's humming. So I hum too.
All at once the car is quiet.
I hum his song.
It must help a little bit because now the car isn't rocking as much.
I slowly open one eye and reach Percy's stare. His face is confused, scared but also has a smirk. It's like he's proud of me.
"What's happening? Percy? Mom?"
"I think your humming is calming him!" Percy exclaims.
I smile. Maybe my dad is here right now.
But just as we all smile a huge bump and roar hit the car and we go rolling.
It's quiet again but then it's ringing in my ears.
I open my eyes to see my mom's hands reaching out to me and slowly start to pick up her voice.
"Ella? Ella, sweetheart? Come here!" She says while I think quivering.
I don't respond but my body does for me because before I know it I'm out of the wreaked car.
Percy and Grover and standing by each other. I rush to Percy with my mom's hand still in mine.
For a moment it was such a peaceful moment. Me, Percy and my mom all hugging.
Until the moment is broken by Grover.
"Guys! I hear him! We have to go now! It's just up there!"
"Wait! Grover!" My mom says as she pulls away from us.
"You have to promise me you will protect them."
"Ms. Jackson, I know-"
"Grover! Promise me!"
"I promise." Grover says quickly and sternly.
My mom whips around and touches Percy's face. She tells him how much she loves him and not to worry. She looks in my direction and says to him to protect me too.
"You're her brother. You protect her, now."
Percy also can't seem to speak. All he does is stare at our mom and nod his head.
She now looks at me. She grabs my wet hand. Her eyes look even more blue even though it's raining and dark.
"Stay with Percy. I love you, sunshine."
And with that she lets go of my hand and pushes me to Percy and Grover's side.
"Go! Now!" She yells directly at Grover.
Grover takes my hand now and starts running.
His satyr legs must help him go faster because it feels like we are flying through the woods.
"Just up there, guys!" He exclaims happily.
But right as I see the opening all I hear is Percy.
I stop in my tracks and see Percy about 10 steps in front of us. All I see is Percy's shirt dancing in the windy rain and in the background of the trees, a silhouette of our mom hanging in the air by the chimera.
I think we are both yelling now. Although I don't hear anything I swear I can hear my mom saying "I love you."

Until she's gone. She disappears into thin air.
I can't stop my tears now. My feet feel like they are stuck to the wet ground. Percy looks at me. His blue eyes look red. He pulls out a pen from his pants and it starts to shine and shake. It instantly becomes a sword with a golden glow.
Without thinking, he starts yelling and running towards the chimera.
It's all happening in slow motion. Percy flying. The chimera roaring and swinging its arms.
I start to run now too. Towards them.
It's like I can't stop my legs.
"Hey!" I yell without any thought.
The Chimera turns from Percy with its teeth gleaming now towards me.
I stand still.
Percy is saying something but I can't hear him. I think Grover is too.
But I don't move.
I sing.

It's like the words I always knew. It came to my tongue and it came out like poetry.
I didn't even know I could sing, let alone a song I didn't know.
But it felt good.
The Chimera stopped and stared at my eyes as I stared at his eyes.
It's like he was talking to me from his soul. He was angry and he wasn't going to go without a fight. I could tell. I quickly took eye contact away from the beast and looked at Percy. He shook his head in agreement as if he already knew what I was thinking.
I knew we had twin like telepathy.
As I sung. Percy swung.
And then it was done.
I felt like I was glowing even though I feel I witnessed two murders. 
Percy must of saw it though because I could see it in his eyes. A golden lyre.
And as I smiled and felt like the sun, I saw darkness.

Ella Jackson- Apollos legacy Where stories live. Discover now