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I he wake up to yellow light and sounds of many voices.
"She's awake!"
"Someone call for Chiron!"
As I blink and try to see, all I remember was one thing.
"Percy!" I yell abruptly.
Then all the voices around me stop.
I sit up fast.
As I look around, it's a golden lit large room about the size of a cabin with a ceiling that looks like the sky. All these beds are by each other and all have gold frames and perfect white sheets. There's so many different paintings on the wall, probably from all the other people who stayed here. The beds have beautiful swirls on the bed frames that have little suns in the middle. It was like a mansion but all in one room.
As I stop myself from having my jaw on the floor, I see a huge man. He's super tall but it sounds like he's "clopping" instead of walking.
"Good morning, Ella. My name is Chiron and I'm the activities director here at Camp Half Blood. Now, before you ask where you are, you are safe."

I must look very confused because I feel very confused.
"Ookayyy.. but where's my brother? I had the weirdest dream that I might still be in.. wait was it a dream??"
My mind starts racing because now the memories of the chimera come flooding back. And my mom.
All this dude does is stand there. Why isn't he concerned at all??
I jump from out from the bed and officially look down.
He's a horse.
But a man.
He's a horse-man.
"A Centaur, Miss. Jackson." He said as if he already knew I was thinking about what he was.
"Now, you are safe and so is your brother. It seems like he is still sleeping off what happened. Since you are the first to wake up, I will show you around camp and then bring you to see your brother and assure yourself that everything is fine."
He puts his hand on my head and gives a welcoming smile.
"Now, after the encounter with the Chimera, you have been claimed by your father. Apollo."
"Okay. So now what? He just comes and says hi? I would much rather see Percy right now than know about a father who gave up their daughter."
Chiron's smile is now gone and is now a straight line mixed with intense eyes.
"Your father has claimed you, Ella. It's not always easy for the gods to be with their children, let alone always be there as if they were mortal like your mother."
He takes a deep breath.
"What's important is that we know who your family is. And where we are is Apollos cabin- Cabin 7 here at Camp Half Blood. We will get to more later, but first I think it will do you well to see your brother."
I sigh in relief.
I thought the horse man, now called a Centaur, was going to explode in my face for what I said about my father.
Sure I don't really know my father and I hold a medium size grudge against him, but he did help me. He gave me his hair. His love for music, which is what saved me.
I just wish it was more of talking than through poetry.

With everything going on, I wasn't sure what my mom would think. Would she be proud I'm doing something on my own? Would she be upset I wasn't by Percy right now?
While my hands were getting sweaty, Chiron leaded me to the door of the cabin.
As I saw the outside for the first time, I was in shock.
It looked like a real camp from the movies!
It was in the woods, but with our cabin in almost the middle, all the other cabins were circled around it. There was old looking signs showing for different activities and parts of the camp. There were many different kids with orange shirts on. I was aching for Percy to be by me. I wanted to scream "hello" to everyone because even though I was scared, it was beautiful here and I did feel safe. But on the other hand, I wanted to scream at this Chiron zen master to get me away from here and back home to my mom and brother in our apartment.
I didn't pack well enough to stay for as long as I'm thinking I'm going to be.
As I was lead in what seemed a big circle but also a maze, we got to the place Percy was staying.
As we were outside the larger cabin, a girl walked out with long black braids and again in an orange shirt.
"Annabeth! This is Ella Jackson, daughter of Apollo! Ella, this is Annabeth, daughter of Athena."
We didn't say hi to each other we just stared at each other.
We both must have felt Chiron's eyes because we both did a nod of the head and a small smile.
"Your brother drools when he sleeps." She said fast and almost sarcastically, but wasn't sarcastic at all.
"I know! It's funny, right? He's always done that." I laugh but stop myself because I wanted to seem cooler than I was giving off.
She smiled though.. But walked away as she said goodbye to Chiron.

Percy was sleeping in a bed not as cool as mine. He looked hurt. He had a cut on his forehead, and a big bruise on his arm which was out of the blanket. And sure enough, he did have some drool on his face. I smiled to myself. This was Percy.
"I'll leave you to it, then. I'll be right outside when you're ready." Chiron said as he quickly trotted off.

"Hey, Percy.
I'm sorry. I did try to make sure you didn't get hurt. But, I guess Camp does know who my dad is! I got this really cool cabin.. I wish you would wake up. I need you. I'm more scared than I think I am."
As I finished my sentence to him, he started moving around.
My eyes light up and I almost jump on top of him in excitement for a hug.
"Hey." He said with a moan in his voice.
"Welcome to Camp!" I say more cheerful than I should. "You will die when you see the outside of this place! It even has a lake!"
He sits up as I sit at the end of the bed.
We both look at each other, and with us being like twins, we both think of mom.
"Mom's gone. Isn't she?" He said softly.
"Yeah. But we still have each other.."
I say softly and almost with a quiver in my voice.
"We will always have each other, Ella. I will always be here and be your brother. I told mom I would protect you and I will forever."
I smile. "At least we don't need to deal with smelly Gabe."
"It sounds like paradise already!" As he smiled and holds my hand.

Ella Jackson- Apollos legacy Where stories live. Discover now