Bella (V.O.): My time as a human was over. But I never felt more alive. I was born to be a vampire.
(We see Sam making up with Jacob and Bella getting an expensive necklace with a note from the Volturi)
Bella (V.O.): Everything was falling into place. Even the Volturi seemed to accept my new status. Though they'd want proof eventually. It seemed we had only one enemy left. Time.
(We see Renesmee growing up from looking like a few months old to a few years old)
Bella (V.O.): Renesmee was growing too fast. We were all worried about how long we would have with her. It just made every moment more precious.
(Renesmee, now looking at least 6 or 7 years old, is playing in the snow with Bella and Jacob in his wolf form)
"Look, a snowflake." Nessie said as she showed her mother the snowflake resting on her palm.
"It's beautiful. Why don't you go get another one?" Bella encouraged her daughter.
(Renesmee runs off to play as Bella and Jacob watch her)
"Edward thinks that we'll find answers in Brazil. There are tribes there that might know something." Bella told the wolf as they watched his imprint play in the snow.
(Bella watches Renesmee as she leaps into the air to catch snowflakes, suddenly they see a figure off in the distance watching them)
"Who was that?" Nessie asked in confusion.
Bella looked towards where her daughter was looking. Seeing a redheaded woman watching them. Her face twitching with an unknown emotion in her eyes that Bella couldn't quite make out.
"I don't know hunny." Bella said trying to get a better look.
(Looking visibly upset at seeing Renesmee, the redhead runs off before Bella can speak with her, Bella runs to catch up with her, but loses her before she could get a good look at the woman.)
(Seth, Leah, and the Swan-Hale's were back at the Cullen House lounging in the living room as the family told stories from times before they were even in Forks to Josie and the other two wolves. Some funny, others centered more around family. Bella comes in with a visibly worried Bella. Renesmee runs into her father's arms. Edward smiles seeing her, but turns serious once he sees the look on his wife's face. Everyone else turns quiet.)
(Edward, who is sat with Renesmee at the piano, starts playing the piano, teaching her.)
(In Italy we see the redhead going to see the Volturi)
"What a pleasant surprise." Aro hummed seeing an old Volturi guard back in his castle. Her name is Aurora.
"What do you want? Hmm?" Caius asked curiously.
"I have to report a crime. The Cullens... They've done something terrible." Aurora said.
"Allow me, my dear." Aro said holding his hand out.
Aurora takes it.
(Aro takes Aurora's hand, seeing that the Cullens have created an immortal child)
"Oh, my." Aro said with a small smile. Glee hidden in his eyes. Finally, a reason to move against the coven.
(Back at the Cullens house, everyone is gathered and listening to Edward play the piano when Alice has a vision of the Volturi coming to Forks to kill them all and drops the vase of flowers she was carrying)
Rose's Swan
VampireRosalie Hale grew up in New York, she was born in the year 1915 and died in 1933. Everyone should know her story, but what if there was someone else in that story. Someone who stole Rosalie's heart, a secret relationship that ended tragically. What...