Chapter 4

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The sun shone through her curtains, the pink and gold colours lighting up the sky once more. The clouds started to come back together after the stars decorated the sky, now it's their turn. A soft glow peaked through, lighting her sleepy face up with a nice soft hue as her blaring alarm dragged her away from her peaceful sleep as she groaned at both of her ears being awoken by such an annoyance. As well as the fact that the sun just had to be right in her eyes when she tried to open them. She annoyingly groaned as her head whipped away from the light after getting blinded first thing waking up.

She slapped her hand over her blaring alarm beeping constantly, causing her to immediately be put in an annoyed mood at such a bothersome way to wake up. The alarm turns off and she sighed, face planting into her pillow, lifting her head up, looking over to her weird forest backpack.

'I wonder what's in it today'

She pulled her blankets back, she could feel the slight warmth in her room as it started to get warmer, preparing for the summer time. Her bare feet landed don the floor and she shuffled over to her weird forest backpack placed on her dresser and opened it.

'What do we have now?'



She couldn't help but question what she was given today out loud

"A..... pacifier..?"

She lifted it up, staring at it in utter confusion


This was certainly quite a way to start her morning. She placed it back in her bag as she got ready for the day, placing on a Spongebob shirt, with light blue overalls, and a blue and brown plaid shirt, with cat socks. She picked up the pacifier once more, staring at it, as she slipped it into a pocket on her chest in her overalls, walking downstairs only to be greeted with her parents actually dressed and seemingly ready for an event

"Oh, hey Andrea. Good. You're awake. So you're not going to school today, your aunt just gave birth and we're going to go see the baby"

Her mother rushed her along shoving a banana, two pieces of buttered toast, and a yogurt into her hands

"Eat eat eat."

She was confused, but soon felt her stomach growl from hunger, and so she began eating. Soon she finished her food and she rushed upstairs to wash her face and brush her teeth, putting her fedora on and going back down stairs, her weird forest backpack on her back with a couple things in it. But she dared not put anything in the main pocket where those random object kept appearing. What would happen if her items disappeared by being replaced with some stupid object that was somehow more important?

"What's the gender and name?"

She popped a piece of gum into her mouth

"It's a girl, her name is Serenity Fiona McDawson."

Her father responded as he picked up a bag of things, quickly heading out the front door

"It's an hour drive there, so I hope you have what you need"

Her mother's comment surprised her, so she double checked that she had everything, then nodded

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