Chapter 6

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Andrea lay there in her bed, in a deep sleep after staying awake majority of the night. Getting three hours of sleep when she read half of the new novel she picked up after buying it the previous weekend and left it discarded on her shelf. When all of a sudden, her peaceful sleep was awoken up by her bedroom door slamming open, as she got jolted awake from her sleep and shot up in her bed

But before she could process what was happening her bedroom light was flicked up and she got blinded by the bright light. Andrea groaned as her eyes immediately squeezed shut and she slapped her hands over her eyes

"Sorry honey, but you've gotta get up. You're gonna miss your bus."

"Ahh... mom...."

Her blankets got ripped off of her and was dragged out of bed

"Come on, let's go. Get up."

Her mom kept nagging her sleepy daughter to move and wake up from her sleepy state

"Alright, alright. I'm up.."

Andrea stands there in her lose fitting t-shirt and a pair of shorts with a messy bed head. Not quite the definition of a pretty sight. Her mom walked out of her room leaving the door open and went back down the stairs. Andrea sighed and closed her door, walking over to her weird forest backpack to see what she will be given today

"Oh sweet, money!"

She picked up $30 in cash and put it onto her desk then got dressed for the day. Once she was ready, she stuffed the money into her pocket and went downstairs

"Morning" she spoke, greeting her parents

"Oh looks who's up?"

Her dad smiled and laughed as he looked away from the tv, Andrea just sighed.

"Come on, you need to hurry. You move too slow. The bus will be here in half an hour."

Her mother rushed her as she walked into the laundry room to put a load into the washing machine. Andrea was usually a slow person in the mornings, shuffling her feet as she yawned, dosed off half the time. Her mind barely being awake. She wasn't quite the morning person to say the least. She walked over to a list pinned up onto the wall using a thumbtack to see what she had to do, despite her following this list since grade 6.

So, half an hour later she finished it off and got her shoes on, throwing her backpack over her shoulders

"Bye mom, bye dad"

"By Andrea, have a good day today" her mother called out from the kitchen, getting ready for work herself.

"Bye Andrea" her dad also called out form the couch

She opened and closed the front door, walking out to the end of her driveway to wait for the bus.

"Mornin there Andrea"

Mark greeted Andrea with a smile as her went to the end of his driveway as well to get his morning mail. He opened the lid and reached inside taking the usual papers out that get thrown into the garbage the second that he walks inside, apart form the newspaper of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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