Chapter 1: Arrival

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Alright, I'm back again. we're going to be restarting the Safi'Jiiva cause of two reasons. One because I feel I could have done better and two, cause I legit forgot where I was originally going to go with the story, so I was like fuck it, go again, so here we are.


In the city of Seattle, the sky opening, showering the city and surrounding areas in a torrent of rain. In an apartment building on the outer part of the city, a young man was currently packing a small suitcase full of clothes and other essentials as he prepared to go visit family. The young man, Jason, was just about finished packing when he pulled out his phone and selected his mother's contact. "Hello" a voice answered on the phone. "Hey mom, just wanted to let you know I was about to leave so I'll be seeing you in a few hours." Jason said. "Alright, just be careful going over the pass, the weathers been terrible all day over there and traffics pretty heavy so drive safe, see you in a bit, love you." his mother responded. "Love you too, bye." Jason said as he hung up the phone and began making his way outside to his car.

As he began to drive out of the city, the already bad weather began to worsen. The farther from the city he got, the more difficult it became to see as fog began to roll in over the pass. "Damnit, I can't see shit." Jason said as he continued to drive through the thick fog, going slightly slower than normal because of the extremely wet road and the heavy traffic in both lanes. A he continued; he could hear horns honking behind him, along with the sound of screeching tires and cars smashing into other cars as an out-of-control Semi truck going well over the speed limit knocked cars out of its way as the driver seemed to be panicking, honking his horn and waving for people to move. Unfortunately for Jason, he was directly in front of the Semi while being behind a large number of other cars. "Shit" was all Jason could say before the rear of his car was smashed into and crumpled like a tin can as he was sent forward into the rear of the other car, sandwiching home between the speeding multi ton semi and slower going car Infront of him. Before he could even react, his whole world went dark. No pain, no sound, just dark.

In another world, both similar, and different to ours in many ways, A blinding flash of light appears out of nowhere within the clearing of an ancient forest, making the starlit night become day. Any wildlife within or near the clearing were temporarily blinded as they panicked and ran. Soon, the light began to fade, and in its place, a large, unconscious red dragon. As hours passed and dawn appeared with the rising sun, illuminating the land in warm light, life within the forest began to stir once again. Within the clearing, as the light landed upon him, the red dragon began to stir from its sleep.


Jason POV:

as the darkness began to fade, I started trying to open my eyes, all I could think was 'What the hell happened?'  My whole body was aching like I just fell from orbit, then again, I was just hit with a semi. when I opened my eyes, I was blinded by what I assume is a hospital light, like I had been in a cave all my life, but soon it began to fade, and my vision became clearer. Instead of your standard hospital room, what greeted me was forest clearing surrounded by a massive jungle set near the seemingly endless sea, strange sounds and roars of animals ringing through the air as I tried to process everything I was seeing. 'Where the hell am I?' I thought as kept opening and closing my eyes, expecting the scenery to change to what I expected but no matter how many times I tried, all that I could see was forest.

'I gotta figure out where I am.' I thought to myself as I began trying to get up. 'I guess getting hit by a semi-truck will make you pretty sore cause god damn, I can't move an inch without everything aching.' As I started to get up, I pushed myself up with my arms and began to try and stand up, but for some reason, I immediately fell over on my side. "What the fuck, why can't I stand!?' I thought as I tried again and like last time, fell. Unlike last time though, instead of on my side, I fell on my back and felt a sharp pain like a sword stabbing into my shoulders as I shot up in shock to see what caused it. strangely though, when I shot up, I was on all fours. 'What the hell?' I thought as I looked down at my hands only instead of my hands, I saw massive scaled handlike paws. Infact, both my arms were entirely covered in scarlet-colored scales.

 I began to hyperventilate as I started to frantically look over my entire body, only to find massive wings on my back along with a spine full of spikes and a long tail. 'What the fuck is this?! This can't be possible; I must be dreaming from the drugs in the hospital!' But as I kept moving around, it started to become clearer and clearer to me that what I was seeing wasn't just a highly lucid dream. Looking around the clearing that I was In I saw there was small river leading into a pond nearby. I pulled myself over to the bank of the pond in a slow crawl like a baby would. (Sue me, I've never walked on all fours like this before)

I looked into the window like water, but I was still able to see my reflection as if it were a mirror. What was looking back at me was a very familiar red dragon. "Holy shit, I'm Safi'Jiiva" I said out loud to myself, as I reeled back at the deep, draconic voice that left me. My head shot up as I started looking at my surroundings closer. 'No, no, no, no, this is impossible, this Can't be happening!!'  I frantically looked around at the forest and the first thing that caught my eye was the impossibly large tree in the middle of it. And looking to the right of, there it was, though far away I could see it clear as day. "Astera." As I was Looking on in shock, all I could think was "IM IN MONSTER HUNTER WORLD AS SAFI'JIIVA!!!!' over and over again. "I'M SO FUCKED!!!"


All right, I hope you all enjoy the RE Revised first chapter. Have a lovely evening/day. Lemme know if you guys like this style of writing or if you would like it changed in anyway, I'm happy to take suggestions.

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