Chapter 3: Unwanted attention

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As the days continued to pass in the new world, both Jason and the hunter handler duo became more and more used to living in such a foreign place. The Hunter had already begun making a name for himself among Astera as a quickly rising star. He had already gone from the standard hunter leather to having an entire set of Barroth armor and Defender Great sword. Leah, on the other hand, had made a name for herself among the canteen as the ultimate foodie, wanting to try everything they had to offer and more. Among other handlers, she was praised for her good work. In the field they made one hell of an effective duo.

Jason, on the other hand was setting himself up a small little home situated on top of the massive tree within the forest, making the flattened-out summit of the tree into a cozy, nest like area. The places where the hunter would normally enter that area of the tree had been blocked by Jason, not wanting any hunter to accidentally stumble onto his new abode. Besides that, he had also been trying his hand at learning to fly, with varying levels of success. even now he was trying to get the basics down.

Jason POV:

Once again at the top of the tree, I situated myself just Infront of the edge, leading into the massive plummet to the ground. These past few days, I've tried to take off from the ground, or try smaller places to take off but, not knowing how to really even work my new wings, I was forced to stay grounded and familiarize myself with the new limbs of mine. Between learning how to properly make use of my wings, and making my new home atop the tree, I had spent the past week watching over the Hunter and Leah. 

I gotta give it to the Hunter; he is way better at using a great sword compared to when I was the one using it. Leah, on the other hand is as inquisitive and curious as ever about the new world, especially on what kinds of things she could mix into foods. watching the both of them grow as a team is nice, makes me think about how they're no longer some fictional characters, but actual people. I feel the need to watch over them, for what reason, I couldn't tell ya. 

Sometimes The Hunter would be running around the great forest going after Jagras or other beginning monsters like Pukei Pukei and be done with the hunts within 20 minutes or less. Sometimes, whenever I would be watching him, he would stop and look around, like he could sense he was being watched. Thankfully his scout flies haven't caught my scent yet and no one has noticed my tracks. I try to stay away from well-traveled routes and Hunting areas within the forest but it's really hard with so many hunters running around.

Looking out over the edge of the tree and over the forest, seeing Astera in the distance makes me want to soar through the air, to explore this no longer fictional world that's before me. 'C'mon man, you've got this, just don't think about. Leap of faith here.' I thought as I tried to hype myself up. I began to crouch down and spread the massive wings on my back fully. I closed my eyes tightly as I creeped closer to the edge, The wind rushing against my face.

With on final step, I readied myself and pushed off the tree with all my might and at the same time, brought my wings down hard, the combined force sending me high into the air as dirt and loose branches of the tree were sent away from my point of takeoff. I could feel myself moving through the air at high speeds as I attempted to straighten myself out. Opening my eyes, I was greeted with the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Sure, I had flown in planes before, but this is something else entirely.

Infront of me, stretched out as far as the eye could see was the vast ocean, and to my left, I could see all of Astera, the bustling movement of every person down there, going about their lives. I let the wind continue to carry me as I glided through the sky, wind rushing past me as I watched over each and every sight within the ancient forest, spotting monsters and hunters alike all throughout it. 'Alright, time to actually get moving up here' I thought to myself as I looked upwards to the clouds above and began flapping my wings as hard as I could, climbing higher and higher into the sky as I soared through the air.

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