Sick symphony

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

The bedroom of the opulent bungalow was adorned with extravagant decor, capturing the essence of a lavish lifestyle. The dim glow of the night lights seeped through the sheer curtains, casting a soft, ethereal ambiance in the room. The expansive space was a playground for affluence, a sanctuary where the whims of the privileged materialized.

In the heart of this luxurious haven, Jungkook lounged on a plush bed, an embodiment of carefree decadence. The room echoed with the tunes of his favorite playlist, the beats resonating through the air. His carefree demeanor radiated an aura of indulgence, unburdened by the realities that lay beyond the mansion walls.

Jungkook, dressed in designer loungewear, reveled in the pleasure of a life unencumbered by responsibility. A cascade of high-end gadgets surrounded him, and the room bore witness to a curated chaos of opulence. Expensive colognes, fashion magazines, and scattered bills — remnants of an extravagant lifestyle — adorned the surfaces, mirroring the untamed extravagance of the young man living within.

The night outside embraced the mansion, and the city lights twinkled in tandem with the vibrant spirit of the room. Jungkook's laughter echoed as he flicked through social media on his sleek phone, detached from the struggles that unfolded beyond the mansion's gates. The world beyond his affluent bubble seemed like a distant concept, a notion too mundane to penetrate the sanctuary of privilege.

The bratty charm of the rich was unveiled in Jungkook's carefree gestures, evident in every flick of his perfectly styled hair and every casual toss of an expensive gadget. The walls of the room absorbed the echoes of his laughter, painting a portrait of a life lived on the precipice of excess.

As the night embraced the mansion, Jungkook reveled in the luxury of his carefree existence. The night lights outside painted the space with a soft glow, and within the opulent walls, the young scion of wealth basked in the untamed radiance of his indulgent lifestyle.

The luxurious bedroom exuded an air of decadence as Jungkook immersed himself in the realm of social media. The soft glow of night lights outside cast a gentle ambiance on the opulent surroundings. The room, a testament to affluence, witnessed Jungkook's carefree demeanor as he scrolled through his sleek phone, the laughter echoing in the spacious chamber.

The washroom door swung open, revealing a lady with wet hair draped in a flirtatious gown. Her entrance bore an air of familiarity, as if such encounters were woven into the fabric of their opulent existence. She locked eyes with Jungkook, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

"You were extra rough today. Can I ask the reason?" Her voice carried a teasing tone as she used a small towel to dry her damp hair.

Jungkook, still immersed in the digital realm, responded nonchalantly, "Did you mind that?" His attention remained tethered to the screen, the virtual world seemingly more captivating than the presence of the woman before him.

"Obviously no, but you know I hate bruises. And you left plenty of marks today." She shrugged casually, allowing the gown to slip off one shoulder, revealing finger marks imprinted on her skin.

"I get crazy when you are in front of me," Jungkook lazily confessed, his words carrying a tone of indifference.

"You don't want to tell the reason; that's another thing. But don't make this shit in front of me. I'm going," she declared, a tinge of anger coloring her voice. Her sense of self-awareness was palpable, a recognition of her place in the intricate dance of their complicated dynamic.

"You can stay if you want," Jungkook finally spared her a cursory glance, reclining further to lay down completely, his attention still divided between the virtual and tangible worlds.

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