Unraveling Ties

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the penthouse. Dressed impeccably in a sharp suit, Jungkook waited by the entrance. His usually stoic expression masked the whirlwind of emotions within. The husky, sensing its owner's internal struggle, observed Jungkook with a quiet vigilance.

As Taehyung entered the penthouse, the air seemed charged with an unspoken tension. Jungkook, attempting to maintain his usual authoritative demeanor, motioned for Taehyung to follow. The drive to the hospital was shrouded in a heavy silence, each passing moment adding to the mounting anticipation.

Upon arrival, Jungkook's authoritative aura seemed to dissipate, replaced by a palpable sense of concern. Taehyung, despite his weakened state, followed Jungkook into the hospital, guided by the husky, who remained a loyal companion by his side.

In the waiting area, Jungkook's eyes darted around, unable to settle on any one point. The husky, sensing the tension, nudged Taehyung reassuringly, as if to say, "We're in this together."

When the doctor finally emerged, Jungkook's stern exterior didn't waver, but his tone carried an undertone of urgency. The doctor, with a serious expression, explained, "Mr. Kim, we've diagnosed Taehyung with Dilated Cardiomyopathy. It's a severe heart condition."

Taehyung, too, felt a knot tighten in his stomach, his gaze shifting between the doctor and Jungkook. The husky, ever vigilant, maintained a steady presence.

Doctor replied "This condition affects the heart's ability to pump blood effectively, leading to an enlarged and weakened heart muscle. Mr. Taehyung, it's a serious matter that requires careful management."

Jungkook absorbed this information, his authoritative façade crumbling for a moment. "What does that mean?" he asked, a rare vulnerability peeking through.

Doctor further explained "We'll need to initiate a treatment plan to alleviate symptoms and slow down the progression. Medications, lifestyle changes, and regular monitoring will be crucial. It's a collaborative effort to manage this condition effectively."

The doctor proceeded to outline the treatment plan, emphasizing the importance of adherence and lifestyle modifications. Jungkook's mind was focused, absorbing the gravity of the situation. He glanced at Taehyung, a flicker of genuine concern in his eyes.

Jungkook perplexed and concerned asked "What do we need to do?"

Doctor shared that "Firstly, Mr. Taehyung will need to follow the prescribed medications rigorously. We'll also recommend dietary changes to reduce sodium intake. Regular exercise, within his limits, is beneficial. Stress management is crucial as well."

The doctor explained some more things, handed the tests report to Jungkook and advised then for a regular checkup. Even the doctor could see that this didn't just affected Taehyung, it was much more painful for Jungkook. Having being told everything from the doctor, both of them left the Doctor cabin and walked out of the hospital.

Outside the hospital, Jungkook's stern façade cracked further. He turned to Taehyung, the vulnerability more pronounced. "Take care of yourself," Jungkook urged, a sentiment that carried a weight beyond the spoken words.

Taehyung nodded, appreciating the unexpected concern. The husky, sensing the shift in dynamics, brushed against Taehyung, providing a comforting presence.

In the car ride back, a tentative understanding seemed to hang in the air. Jungkook's gaze lingered on Taehyung, and for the first time, it held a depth that surpassed the transactional nature of their relationship.

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