Alpha Male

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

  Jungkook left the hotel and went to his house. As Jungkook lounged in the comfort of his luxurious mansion, the echoes of the recent scandal surrounding his ex-hookup seemed like a distant murmur. The world had swiftly moved on, uninterested in the trivial affairs of a young rich boy.

The vastness of his mansion sprawled before him, a symbol of opulence and power. Jungkook never hated his wealth, the power he held was always his favourite. This luxurious carefree life has always been his favourite but recently there's a person who has attacked his peaceful life and the kind of emotions Jungkook's feeling right now is different. Jungkook has never felt those emotions before. This ache and warmth that simultaneously resides in his heart is kimd of disturbing for jungkook.

The stonic demeanour, that irritating presence lingered in Jungkook's thoughts, an anomaly in the sea of familiarity. Emotions Jungkook had never encountered before—a peculiar blend of ache and warmth—pervaded his heart. It was a disconcerting experience for someone accustomed to detachment.

The phrase "You don't know me, sir" echoed persistently in Jungkook's mind. It was both a challenge and an enigma, compelling him to delve deeper into the mysterious aura that surrounded the gas station boy.

Taehyung, now Jungkook knows the name and he need that boy to break infront of him, the calmness that Jungkook always saw in Taehyung is not easy for him to digest, he wants Taehyung to break and beg infront of him, Jungkook wants to make him feel helpless.

Jungkook couldn't shake off the need to unravel Taehyung's calm demeanor, to witness a break in his stoic facade. The desire to see Taehyung beg and feel the sting of helplessness gnawed at Jungkook's consciousness.

Armed with a mini-sketch of Taehyung's life, carefully gathered in the last couple of hours, Jungkook now possessed insight into the financial intricacies of Taehyung's world. With this newfound knowledge, Jungkook devised a plan to inflict a deep and deliberate blow to Taehyung's ego.

As Jungkook lay on his plush bed, the wheels of his scheming mind set in motion. The ambiance of his grand surroundings contrasted sharply with the intricate plot forming in his thoughts. The silent promise of upheaval and revenge lingered in the air as Jungkook prepared to unveil his calculated moves.

The night went in a blink. Jungkook, waking up with a sense of excitement, embarked on the first phase of his calculated plan. After completing his morning routine, he dialed the number of the vet who had treated Taehyung's husky the previous night.

"Hello, I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. You must be Dr. Marain."

"I am, Mr. Jeon. How can I help you?" The doctor responded respectfully.

Jungkook, with practiced ease, began spinning his web of lies. "I wanted to ask about my dog you treated a night before yesterday. My servant took him to you, but he doesn't clearly remember what precautions you did, so I had to call you myself."

"Oh, the husky, yeah, I treated him. But are you sure it's your dog?" The doctor inquired.

Jungkook, quick to assert his influence, replied, "Are you doubting me?"

"No, sir. I'm just saying that the boy who brought the husky here looked pretty shaken up by his condition, so—what did you say he was?" The doctor asked cautiously.

"He's my servant, my bodyman, to be precise. I couldn't leave like this, so I had to send him." Jungkook continued to weave his tale.

The doctor, sensing something amiss, remarked, "There's definitely something not right here—"

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