16. dwarakans.

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Gates of Hastinapur palace, _

The entire family of Hastinapur along with the dwaraka tilakas were gathered at the gates of Hastinapur palace to welcome the royal family of dwaraka. Arjun stood beside karn and suyodhana stood beside bhim.

Both vrikodar and suyodhana refuced to look at each other though.

Nakul and Sahadev were looking at a sulking yudhishtir, who stood next to his mother kunti. They were amused for they had never seen their jyesht like this ever before.

"please, mata. Stop addressing me as Yuvraj , just call me yudhishtir or anything else, don't just call me yuvaraj, that sounds strainge ". Yudhishtir was sulking. Kunti was really enjoying teasing her sun.

Last evening, he was there to serve her. He had told her being the yuvaraj of Hastinapur , he had several duties to fulfil. So he was unable to come to her like he did when he was just the prince of Hastinapur.

Kunti had laughed hartily and said, "fine, yuvaraj. The yuvaraj of Hastinapur behaves as if he is the king of the lands and does not even have some time for his mother. Oh, Narayana. From today on, I am going to call you the yuvaraj of Hastinapur , ok my priy putr yuvaraj yudhishtir?". She teased and from then on, she had started to call him yuvaraj, not her nanhe rajkumar yudhishtir.

"maaaa". He wined so loud that all the other princes's attention was on him now.

"bhrata, are we dreaming?". Nakul asked an astonished bhim.

"I guess not.". bhimsena answered back, his face reflecting the joy of having atleast some part of his carefree jyesht back.

Suyodhana smiled at the eldest kuntiputr as the latter was still pouting looking at his mother, oblivious to his surroundings.

The sounds of approaching chariots and hourses horses hooves snapped everybody's attention back to the entrance of the palace, where they could see the flag of dwaraka flying merrily with the winds .

Both the yadukulatilakas, krishna and balaram smiled at the approaching chariot that contained 3 people.

Devaki, Vasudeva and rohini.

Then came another chariot, in which the dwarakaratna sat with her eldest sisterin law , revati. Dwarakaratna proudly, handled her beautiful white horse.

Then came another battalion of horses and elephands, containing gifts for the royal family of Hastinapur.

The two golden chariots stopped at the entrance and the parents of krishna and balaram, with an enchanting smile on their faces, steped down their chariot.

Krishna and balram ran to their mothers like 5yearolds and hugged them so tite that they almost choked out.

Rohini smiled at kanha who was hugging her and placed her hand on his forehead.

"rohini ma". He said and rohini couldn't help but smile.

"missed me?". Balram asked joining the hug.

"nah, nah". We had some peace finally after you both had left dwaraka, ". Rohini said sarcastically.

"mata". Balram wined .

Krishna had gone to hug his Devaki ma who reciprocated the hug and kissed his forehead.

"missed me,ma? ?". He asked and Devaki nodded with a sweet smile.

"ok, now you no longer want me, bhrata and dau". Subhadra's melodious voice greeted the 2 and both of them smiled and hugged her.

"you were always a part of us,bhadray. They said in unison.

Then Vasudev looked at his sister , who was shedding tears of joy.

Subhadra meanwhile went and took blessings from all elders along with revati who smiled at her patidev sweetly, which balram's face to turn crimson.

"pranipat pitamaha, mahamantri, maharani Gandhari, maharaj dritarashtr, mamanshri Shakuni,". Subhadra possed in her greetings to throw a wink at Shakuni who paled as recognition hit him like a bolt of lightning.

"she was the same young girl whom I saw while I ... attacked ...... that krishna".

He thought and paled even more as Subhadra came and touched his feat. Just a single touch from her and he felt as if he was wift of to somewhere else.

"bhrata,". Kunti cried as she ran and hugged her bhratashri with grate excitement and longing .

She had last seen him at the time of his marriage with Devaki . she had never seen him since then.

"prita". He addressed her by her former name , placing a jentle kiss on her forehead.

"how are you? Did my sons trouble you?". Devaki asked hugging her from side.

"no no bhagini . they are the sweetest children ever someone could think of". Kunti said and the pandavas, especially nakula and Sahadev pouted at their mother.

Arjun looked at madhav who was grinning, with a "youbitrayedme" expression to which madhav winked at him. "that is my influence, my parth". He mouthed and arjun could not help but laugh out loud.

After everybody had exchanged greetings , they went inside .


Well I know this chapter was a little boring.

Btw I wanted to show how dwaraka family was being greeted, so ...

hope you enjoyed.


happy reading.

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