episode 1 'sugar high encounter'

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Fluttershy was at her cottage,taking care of her daily chores...cleaning,checking the animals,tending to her garden,wash her dishes and etc.

Fluttershy:*sighs*....finally...done-*her tail feels two togs and she turned around to see angel*y-yes angel?

Angel points at his dish bowl with a pouty face.fluttershy gave him a stern look and shakes her head to say no.angel waving and still pointing at his bowl acting like a spoiled brat.

Fluttershy:angel...you already ate dinner..

*3 hours later:night time*

Fluttershy looked into her snack box...and empty.she sighs and turns to angel..who's still acting like a spoiled brat and raving on the ground.

Fluttershy:......why me...😑😓

She walked up to get her bag and went to the store for carrots..but its about to close.

Store pony:welcome miss...we are about to close for the night...

Fluttershy:o-ok I won't b-be long...

She grabbed 10 carrots and calmly goes to the store pony to buy them...a stallion watches from afar..hiding out of sight..

After buying the carrots for 5 bits each..each is total of 50 bits....oof


Store pony:thank you for stopping by and have a safe journey home miss..

Fluttershy:t-thank you...*leaves*

*right around where sugarcube corner is*

Fluttershy was about to turn but pink hooves wrapped around her and dragged her inside.pinkie pie covers fluttershy mouth and peeks to see the stallion creepily walking and searching for someone.the street light shine down on the stallion...

Dark gray coat,black mane and tail,horn and ruby red eyes...

Fluttershy saw the pony and looked terrified and hugs pinkie.pinkie Pat's flutters head and watches the strange pony with a death stare.

Fluttershy:*shivers and whimpers*

Pinkie pie:I think you should stay for the night flutters...let pertain it's a sleepover!~

Fluttershy:o-ok pinkie and thank you.

Pinkie pie:your welcome fluttershy!~

Fluttershy and pinkie pie have a sleepover together.in the morning pinkie pie send a letter to twilight about what happened last night.

All day pinkie hang out with flutters and help her with the animals.

*with twilight*

In her laboratory..sreachind information about the pony that saw...but...none..

Twilight:if it has a horn like that said...he should be a unicorn but.....something off about the pony....ruby red eyes?...vinyl has red eyes but........why....

*end of episode 1*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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