Message to everyone!

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No-one has to know, no one has to care about how we feel, being teenager especially in this generation is tougher than anyone could think, and yup it becomes extraordinary hard if you're Asian.
Worried about grades, anxiety, 24/7 stress, mood swings, hormones, losing friends, social life, taunts, critics, depression and further more things we experience. Sometimes we can't share up all things with our own parents, family or friends. And that thing just kills you from inside. Then we might prefer to watch some motivational videos and read self help books, let me tell you that does nothing then wasting your time until and unless you yourself want to bring change. Life is not about straight roads, it's about the turns we take that leads us to beautiful destinations. You might refer your life to be "useless" only because many problems occur on daily basis. But hey! It's just going to be worth it someday! And you'll realise how incredible the life you have is! You'll find your purpose! Until then friend, don't give up! And push yourself forward and do your best! So focus on positivity and present rather than being worried! And yeah it's okay if you cry, it releases your pain! Yo but don't forget to smile!

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