first year

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Y/n pov*

I looked out the window and glanced at the pale, nontalkative boy. "What's your name..?" I asked him. He said nothing and gave me a dirty look. My cheeks turned pink and I looked down at the floor.

"Severus.." He spoke softly.

I looked up with a cheery smile on my face and reached my hand out for him to shake. "Hello severus, I'm Y/n." I said. He looked at me, then down at my hand and back out the window. I withdrew my hand and put it in my lap.

"Not very talkative, huh?" I chuckled. He glanced at me through the corner of his eye and rolled them back. "Don't try sucking up.. I already hate you." He said while staring out the window. "Oh, well you never know! We might end up being friends! You seem...nice.." I scratched my cheek. He just continued looking outside.

Once we arrived at Hogwarts he stood up and walked off the train. I sat there for a few seconds then all the other kids on the train got up and walked off, I followed closely behind.

I stepped off the train and my eyes darted towards the giant man standing in the middle off all the kids, sorting them into groups. "Hagrid!" I yelled and ran to him giving him a quick hug. "Hello there, Y/n! How was the ride to Hogwarts? Not too bumpy I presume?" He asked and held up a lantern. "It was fine, Hagrid. I met this boy, severus, he seemed like a nice boy..." I smiled up at him.

"Well don't go around chasing boys now! They're just up to no good miss Y/n!" His belly laughed along with him.

"I won't, He doesn't seem to like me all that much, or anyone for that matter. He seems like he keeps to himself alot, but I'm sure we are gonna become friends" I said and he handed me a black robe. "Your luggage should already be inside the castle." He said.
"Okay, thank you, Hagrid." I spoke to him before a teacher came out to escort all of the kids inside.

"Hello, new students! I'm professor McGonagall, I will be one of your teachers here at Hogwarts. You will be sorted into four groups once you have been sorted into your houses, come along!" She said at lead us inside. The bright yet tinted castle was lit by many many candles placed along the walls. Professor McGonagall lead us up a lond, wide staircase, stopping infront of two double doors.
"Once we enter this room you must be on your best behavior as the headmaster and many of your other teachers await you all in the Dining hall." She told us.

I looked around at all the kids noticing one particular boy standing just next to me. "Oh hello again." I spoke to him and he just looked at me.

I continued to stay quiet as we entered the giant room.

"Stand along the steps here!" She pointed and the kids lined up at the bottom of the steps infront of her.

"Here, you will sit on this chair and this hat will be placed onto your head, sorting you into your houses. The houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. We shall begin the sorting now." She said and began calling out names.

I watched as many girls and boys sat on the chair as the hat was placed onto their heads, the hat began to speak and sorted a few kids. The kids were then seated to different tables. "Severus, snape?" The professor called out. I looked over at him as he walked up to the chair and sat down. "Mmm... yes..." the hat spoke. "Slytherin!" It called out.

The hat was taken off his head and he walked emotionlessly to the table with the other slytherin students.

I lost my train of thought as I watched him sit down I couldn't even hear the professor calling my name.

"Y/n L/n?" Professor snapped me out of my daze. "Oh!" I jumped and walked up the short steps and sat on the chair, the professor placed the hat on my head and the hat thought for a moment. "Ahh yes..." The hat said. A few seconds went by and the hat spoke again. "Your sweet, yet...your fierce...." The hat said and I looked nervous as it stayed silent for another moment.

"Slytherin!" The hat shouted.

I looked at the table of other Slytherins, severus watched me as I got up off the chair.

I walked over to his table and sat a few seats away, looking up at all the other kids as they get sorted into their houses.

After everyone was done getting sorted, professor McGonagall gave us a small map so we could find our way around the school, I looked at it and noticed a green box with a snake at one of the rooms, "You will notice your house logo somewhere on this map. That is your houses common room. That is where all you and your classmates will stay during your stay here." She said and excused us to go to our rooms for the night.

I made my way through many hallways trying to find which one I'm even in, and who do I bump into? .... severus...

"Oh sorry! I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings!" I panicked as I frantically picked up the items he dropped.

"Yeah, I bet you weren't! Move I'm trying to get to the common room!" He shoved me to the floor and stormed away from me. I sat there dumbfounded and didn't even know what to think..

I lifted myself off the ground and watched him walk away. Wait. Maybe he knows where hes going better than i do."H-hey.." I spoke softly. "...Hey.." I spoke louder. He turned around and his eyes widened as he tries to hear me. "Do you know... where the common room is..?" I asked and looked down at my map.

"I-i can't find where I'm even at.." I slowly pointed at my map. Severus looked at me, disgusted, and said, "the common room is this way, you idiot.." He said and continued walking. I had just realized what he said and I jumped over to him as he lead me to a tall part of the castle with long steps that were seemingly rotating above me.

"Woah.." I've never seen anything like this. Yes my mother was indeed a witch and made things move and mostly used magic to help around the house but I'm pretty sure the stairs were moving on their own and it wasn't mechanical.

I watched the stairs move and shift above me as I climbed them and followed severus to a door that lead into the common room. I turned to thank him but I guess he didn't want to hear it because he opened the door immediately as I turned around and entered the room.

Me following and closing the door behind me, I admired the giant green room and looked around trying to find a bed and desk to put my stuff.

"Our beds are assigned.. yours is in the corner." Yes! I love sleeping in the corner! "Thank you.."

I said to him as I put my things on the table next to my bed. He mumbled something and started for a bathroom. One of which being in the back of the common room.

I sat on the bed and took my shoes off, setting them on the floor just underneath the edge of my bed. My bag sat on my bed next to me, I looked through it finding a pair of socks, lifting my legs onto the bed to change out my socks.

Just as I slipped my foot into the second sock, severus came out of the bathroom and walked to his bed, changing his shirt. I looked away from him as I put my bag on the floor. pulling out my toothbrush and paste, I got up and went into the bathroom closing the door behind me and turned the faucet on.

The temperature was cool as I dipped my finger into the running water. My toothbrush dripped with water as I dropped a ball of paste onto the bristles and entered my mouth.

My hand pushed the plastic against my teeth and my mouth exploded with a mint taste.

After I was done, I rinsed off my toothbrush and screwed the lid back onto the paste tube, I left the bathroom and severus was already asleep.

I didn't want to disturb him so I stepped quietly and softly through the room and landed on my bed, putting my tooth utensils into the bedside table.

I leaned backwards against the pillows, slid under the blankets, closed my eyes and sleep took me under.


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