Chapter 1 - Everyday Bit

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Sam looked at Castiel, his face faltered with so much pain and desperation that even the Angel felt it.

"What do we do? Is he lost?"

The Angel went silent while watching the insanely tall human in front of him, "Sam."

The deep voice brought the youngest Winchester to avert his gaze to Castiel, waiting patiently for him to continue - hoping that he would have some sort of solution for his brother.

But what could Castiel really say? His lips parted but no sound erupted. He was just as clueless as Sam.

Running his hands through his hair, Sam suddenly shook his head," No, there is a way. There is always a way! And I will sure find it even if I have to read the whole library, I don't care."

The Angel watched as Sam walked determined into the study of the bunker. His gaze remained towards the study though his mind was reliving the current events. How were they going to help Dean? How could they bring him back from this?


"Have a nice weekend," Lisa smiled, putting away the last files for the day. She still worked as a yoga instructor though it was only two evenings during the week. Now she worked fulltime as a secretary at a fancy law firm. The money was good which she appreciated, especially since Ben began having more expensive hobbies.

She shut down her laptop, put away some papers, watered the plants and then grabbed her bag, heading out to her car. She was ready for a relaxing weekend, hopefully with some time with Ben but deep down she doubted it. He was busy with school and friends, and had only little time for her. Sometimes she missed the old days when he was more depended on her but she also loved to watch what kind of a young man he was turning into. She sure could be proud, and she was.

Lisa got into her car, put the key into the ignition and turned it, the car roaring to life before she put it into reverse. She glanced over her shoulder, checking before she shifted the stick again and then drove off, heading straight home.

"Ben?" Lisa called out once she had returned home and locked herself inside.

No responds.

Exhaling lightly, the brunette closed the door behind her, set down her keys and bag on the dresser before heading into the kitchen where she opened the cupboard and grabbed a glass. Moving over to the sink, she turned the tab and poured some cold water into her glass. Her brown hues watched the street as she thought of Ben and their live so far.

Her phone rang, snapping her out of her string of thoughts. She put down the glass, rummaged in her purse and found her cell phone. A smile tucked at the right side of her lips when seeing the ID caller.

"What's up, Kel?"

"Lisa!" her friend squealed joyful. "The girls and I are heading to this new bar downtown."

"That's great. I've heard it should be quite a place," Lisa replied, striding back to where her glass of water stood. She took hold of it and brought the glass to her lips, taking a sip.

"You are coming, missy!"

Lisa choked on her water and coughed, wiping her chin with her wrist while she still held onto the glass, "Do I really have to? I mean, I just want to get into my tub and soak up some new energy and relax," she replied in a slight protest.

"You will get your fine little tushy into some fancy dress and get down here within an hour, Missy or I swear, we will send the next creep to get you," Kelly half-heartedly threatened, giggling with the other girls.

Lisa knew oh too well that those small threads were not to mess with. She had ignored it once and boy did she end up in quite an embarrassing situation thanks to Kelly and Laura.

Sucking in her lower lip, Lisa hang her head defeated," Fine, fine, I'll come but I will need more than an hour, ladies..."

"One hour, Lisa or you will be picked up!" Laura yelled in the background, having Lisa frown and pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Okay, okay! I will be quick. Meet you girls downtown." Lisa assured before hanging up and speeding up so she wouldn't end up having some weirdo pick her up.

The shower was quick, so was her getting dressed. She found a short cocktail dress in a ravishing turquoise that hugged her toned body the right way and showed off her beautiful legs. Lisa was quick with her make up and put up her hair into a nice hairdo.

She made it just in time, and the girls squealed joyful when she entered the bar once she had gotten to the place.


Dean rolled off of the blonde waitress, panting lightly as he send her a smirk. She was completely out of breath, her hair dishevelled and her make up smeared out but she felt like the luckiest girl on earth having scored this hunk. Little did she know that she would never see him again, and that she didn't mean anything to him. To him it was just sex, getting a human hunger satisfied. Normally he would have put his heart into it when he was with a woman but now it was more animalistic and he was driven by some darkness in him. Not that the girl next to him complained because she had probably never had such great sex nor such amazing orgasms like she just had two minutes ago.

He made himself comfortable next to her and brought his hand up behind his head as he shot her a glance, enjoying her naked frame.

"That was hot," she panted, glancing up at him as she snug into his chest but Dean tensed, not bringing down his arm to envelope her. "Eh," he answered honestly.

"I've had better to be honest but your little tongue play was new, and that I sure liked," he grinned.

Her face turned sour and before he could blink, she shuffled out of bed and quickly looked for her clothes. "You're an ass," she hissed, putting on her panties. She couldn't believe her ears. While getting further dressed, Dean watched her amused.

"Just so you know, you weren't that great either," she shot back, putting on her high heeled boots, glaring at him.

He rose a brow, his dark smirk circling his lips, "Your screams told me otherwise, sour puss."

"Go to hell!" she snarled and found her purse, stomping off towards the door.

"Been there, sister," Dean shrugged, sitting up slowly.

"As if," Bethany rolled her eyes and opened the door.

Dean laughed and waved at her, "Hey if you don't want to believe me, just find Crowley. You know the old British dude that I drank a beer with before your ass walked by me."

She narrowed her eyes, stopping for a moment, "The dude with the drink that had an umbrella in it?"

"That'll be the one," Dean stretched lazily, "quite embarrassing when you think of it. He is the King of Hell and acts like a sissy." He shook his head and chuckled, "If you're getting out, love, would you be a dear and bring me some pie?"

Bethany's jaw dropped in disbelief but only for a second. She was fuming when she slammed the door shut and walked off.

Dean burst out into a laugh, ruffling his hair as he got to his feet. "Fine, I'll just do it myself."

A/N: Alright, folks. Here is a small start on the story that I have in my head. I hope you guys will read it and have fun doing so.

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