Chapter 2 - Uncertainty

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More and more weeks went by and Sam felt more hopeless. He had searched for answers everywhere, through books, files, roamed the internet for answers as well but he came up with nothing. Nowhere could he find anything on how to bring back a human from the Mark of Cain nor how to keep the human alive if the demon was exorcised after having been killed. He had also found the note from Dean where he told him to let him go. That piece of paper stung so badly. He couldn't bring himself to throw it out so it was put away in his drawer in his room. Those words. Never ever could he let his brother go. He was his brother. How could Dean believe that he would honestly let him go. No, he had to at least try. He owed him that.

Throwing the latest book across the room in desperation and slight anger, Sam got to his feet and stretched his tired body. He needed fresh air. Rubbing his face exhausted, his hand ran over the beard that he had let grow ever since Dean... His eyes closed tightly as that memory hit him. Dean was a...-

The thought ran cold down his spine, his heart hurting as if he was going to have a heart attack. His breathing was elevated and he stumbled into the chair as he made his way out of the bunker. He needed air so badly. Everything hurt inside of him, so he needed to get out as fast as possible.


Sipping at his beer, Dean groaned annoyed once he felt the presence of Crowley next to him.

"What?" he grumbled, taking another sip. He didn't bother look at his so-called companion, whom he had spent the last months with.

"Oh, he speaks," Crowley threw back, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Dean shot him a side-glance, setting down his glass before he finally turned towards the former King of Hell.

"I'm not in the mood for you right now," Dean spat and got up. He felt the darkness stir, feeling some urge to wreck something or more precisely - kill.

Crowley grabbed Deans arm and hissed, "We had a plan!"

Dean growled, eyes locking deadly on Crowley when he flexed his arm beneath Crowley's grip. With one swift move, the Mark gave Dean a rush of power, which had him turn fully to face Crowley before he slammed his fist right into his gut, hitting him so hard that the former King flew back and crashed into a table and chairs.

"You are out of control!" Crowley yelled taken aback when he stumbled to his feet.

A smirk graced Deans lips, shrugging his shoulders before he set off. "We're done, Crowley. Find another fool to do your dirty work."

Crowley watched him in disbelief as the Winchester left the bar.



"No, Ben, we didn't agree on that," Lisa replied while putting away her groceries. A sigh left her lips when her son continued to argue his case.

Leaning against the counter, she closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Alright, fine! You can stay the weekend over at Jason's. But you will have your presentation ready for Monday, Ben," Lisa finally caved and released a deep breath. Shaking her head at her sons joy on the other of the phone, she couldn't help but smile.

"I'll pick you up on Sunday around 4 pm. Have fun, honey and remember to brush your teeth!" she quickly added before he hung up on her.


Castiel walked around the bunker, "Sam?"

The Angel couldn't find the youngest Winchester anywhere eventhough he had an idea on how to bring Dean back.

Pulling out his phone, he scrolled through his contacts - mind me, there wasn't that many. He put the phone to his ear once he dialed the number and waited for Sam to pick up.

But no answer.

Frowning somewhat concerned, Castiel tucked away his phone and walked across the room and headed up the stairs. Just as he was reaching for the door handle, Sam opened the door.

"Oh, hey Cas!"


Stopping in his tracks, Sam looked at the Angel questioning. "Yeah?"

"Why didn't you pick up when I called you?" Castiel asked as he followed behind Sam down the stairs.

"I was reading a text," Sam replied, moving over to the table with the map on. "I know where Dean is."

Castiel stopped in his tracks, "You do? How?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah, we need to act fast." He purposely ignored the 'How' since he knew that Castiel wouldn't agree to go after Dean if he knew that Crowley was involved.

Frowning deeply, Castiel looked at him. "Did he text you?"


"Dean." Castiel didn't understand that question.

"Oh, eh, yeah," Sam lied and scanned the map, pointing with his index finger. "There. We need to get there."

The Angel was silent and followed Sam's finger, not truly liking that vague answer.

"Let's go then."

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