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This book was made because of a dream I had. It gave me an idea for a story so here I am.

These are going to be the character profile and their description. Hope you enjoy.

It is going to be an interesting story and very different to my other ones. 



♡ 17 years old

♡ Has long and luscious hair, that reaches her mid thighs

♡ She's outgoing and loves meeting new people

♡ She's tend to be known as the 'sunshine' of the group that they must protect 

♡ Her friends count on her to justify a decision, which makes their bond stronger


♡ 18 years old

♡ She's a big animal lover, her most favourites being cats and dogs

♡ Her hair is quite short, though it suits her well

♡ She is an ambivert, once you get to know her then you have finally reached her true form

♡ Her craziness and hyperactive behaviour entertains the group a lot as they love to joke around and always have a good time

♡ She is known as the 'mother' of the group as she is the first oldest and has been like the leader-type of the group


♡ 17 years old

♡ She is quite short -shortest in the friendship circle- and is known as the group's little sister

♡ She is short-tempered and a little aggressive so it is best to not anger her too much

♡ And extrovert but again goes loose within the friendship circle

♡ Has medium length hair, reaching up to her elbows

♡ Since she is the youngest, she is treated like a baby, but she acts as if she doesn't like the extra attention, but we all know she does


♡ 18 year old

♡ She loves reading books and tell the others about the adventures in them and how they should try them out too

♡ Is one to not take anything seriously at times, but is when she sense she needs to be 

♡ Was brought uo in a strict family so her inner childish-ness tends to act up at times

♡ The environment she grew from wasn't the best, so new places always fascinate her


♡ 18 years old

♡ Tallest of the group and can be judgy in a good way

♡ The loving yet clueless one

♡ Has good fashion sense

♡ 'Bullies' Hales for her shortness, but it's all just for the fun


♡ 18 years old 

♡ Known to be the smartest of the whole group

♡ She tends to help the others with their problems, like a personal therapist

♡ Reminds them all about things

♡ Like a leader of the group 

"Oh My Goodygood. HALES. So happy to see you again."

"Hey.....uh which one were you again?"

"The answer is clearly 35. You're the dummy."

"Really? Then what happened to the last part of the question, huh? Clearly says it's bigger than 40."


"I told you not to bully me for my height, you giant."

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