chapter three

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Dear Pen,

you're exactly right about pretentious guys and their upturned noses at anything that has to do with Quidditch. It's funny that there aren't that many in Hogwarts but they really stand out at Quidditch games. No clapping, no cheering, sometimes they don't even wear their House's colours.

Girls are different though, I think they split in half when it comes to liking Quidditch. And all I can say is I'm really happy you fall into the better half. This makes something we have in common and I think you might just be the perfect person to talk anything and everything about Quidditch, it seems like you know your stuff. Even I usually can't discuss Quidditch League with friends because they don't follow tournaments or they just like the one team that wins that year in the League.

Back to the Quidditch World Cup – EXCUSE ME, WHAT?! You've been to Brazil in 1990!? I can't express how jealous I am right now. And the final match was five days long, please I would love to hear what that was like.

I can't wait for August, I think it can't come quickly enough. I'm also going with family, well just me and my dad. Mum couldn't bother to watch Quidditch at all, which actually impresses me that yours does. But I know some friends are going too and we'll meet at the campsite. As you said, it's really more accessible for people in England to go since it's located here.

Well, now you've opened up a big theme with Quidditch teams. Where should I start? I guess the right answer for nationals would be England right? We're supposed to support our national team (although they make the most ridiculous mistakes, they should change the keeper already). Scotland is maybe even more favourable than England, I was really disappointed they didn't win the last World Cup.

As to the British and Irish Quidditch League, I stand hard behind Montrose Magpies. I honestly think they are the best, they have the most potential and they are constantly upping their game.

I take it you're more of a Holyhead Harpies type of fan and that's why you didn't want to answer your own question first?

Hear from you soon

P.S.: Quidditch, Quidditch, Quidditch, Quidditch, Quidditch. I win. :)


Dear Pal,

you did not just call Magpies your favourite team. I'm answering your letter from the bottom up this time because you can't believe the faces I made reading the last few lines of your letter. I might just take you for a bit of a pretentious guy. Firstly, because you like Magpies as if you didn't just say you don't like your friends who support the current winning team in the League. Yes, the Magpies have the most wins but when they lose, they lose hard, not just by a few points. They are inconsistent and the result of the game heavily relies on their mood that day. You never know if they will win surely or not.

And secondly, because you called me a Holyhead Harpies fan. Is it because I'm a girl? Of course, it was, I wouldn't take it any other way. That hurt honestly, I'm all for feminism but an all-female team is not the best idea in the League. To be clear, I have absolutely nothing against them, you know, go girls! But against other mixed teams or all-boy teams, they don't stand a chance. The Chasers aren't as strong, so Quaffle throws aren't either, the Keeper is small and can barely protect the middle ring. The only reason they have won any game so far is because their seeker is fast due to her small size and a good broom, so they won by ten points max just because of the caught Snitch. Okay, I've let it out of my soul now.

In my opinion Puddlemere United has the best chances in the upcoming years. They may not have won as many times as the Magpies but they have the consistency and a new coach this year, I've read it in the paper. Also along with your beloved Magpies, they did well in the European Cup a couple of times. They have been in the top ten the last five years, as I've said, consistency.

As for the World Cup, I think the Irish have a good chance this year. They came pretty close to the finale four years ago and I say this year they'll be even stronger. It's safe to say I'm rooting for them in every World Cup. And England sucks all the time. They should recruit all new players, not just the Keeper.

The finale in 1990 was only good the first day and the last honestly. I much rather enjoy matches that are done in the span of a few hours instead of dragging on for days. By day three it became so boring that half of the stands were empty. Although, we stayed. The last day it was all about the Seekers. First, the Scottish Seeker spotted the Snitch and zoomed all around the pitch, the Canadian following him. Then they both stopped and watched with confusion. Next, it was the Canadian seeker, who started speeding away fast so suddenly. They zoomed and stopped quite a few times before Canada finally caught the Snitch and won.

I was disappointed too. Scotland really surprised that year by going so far and all the way into the finale. We celebrated either way because simply watching the World Cup is an experience.

I take it you're an only child as you've only mentioned your parents so far. Ever wanted another sibling?

I only have one older brother and I think that's enough already. Mum always reminds us that we were such a nuisance when we were younger that she never wanted another child. It all became much calmer when my brother went to Hogwarts and I stayed at home during the year. Even a few years later when I started attending, we acted civil as we were growing up alongside our peers. Now I don't wish anyone else to be my brother than the one he is. Once he matured the fights stopped and now we love each other, each in our own way. Although I must say it's rather quiet at home since he moved away.

My hand hurts from writing so much, so I think I'll finish this one here.

Hear from you soon


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