Chapter 14: Tacenda

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Monday, 9:58AM
About 2 weeks have passed, and during this time, I had a boyfriend.

The moments I spent with Zaid were like a dream, truly magical.

He just made me incredibly happy—my life couldn't be better, really.

Every shared moment, every hug, and kiss lifted my spirits. Everything about him brightened my day—his care, the soothing vibe of the time we spent together.

I loved him so much, I felt like I'd be nothing without him.

I couldn't imagine a life without him.

"You gon' chill with your boyfriend again during this break? I kinda miss our hangouts—seriously, getting a bit fed up here, ya know? Like, I know he loves you, and you love him, but did you really have to ditch me so quick?" Aneira started laying it out, and I couldn't quite tell if she was just pulling my leg or being serious.

"Look, I'm really sorry, but you're my ride-or-die, my closest and most trusted friend—I'd never sell you out. The love thing has got me a bit scared, and I fear losing him. Our relationship is still fresh, you know?" I said, hugging her.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say. If you're this happy, go meet him. It genuinely makes me happy to see you happy. Follow your heart, okay?"

"Love ya, Ani!— also, everything okay between you and your mom lately? I haven't been by your side lately, haven't been the remedy to your troubles...sorry." The moment I brought it up, her smile disappeared, and she looked visibly uneasy.

Lately, I haven't been there for her, haven't been a solution to her problems. Normally, we used to deal with her mom's issues every week, sometimes every day, but in these past 3 weeks, I neglected Aneira completely.

"Uh, yeah! Everything's fine, we're doing great lately!" She forced a smile, even let out a little laugh, then pretended to search her bag as if looking for something. I knew why she was pulling this act,I don't fall for these tricks. She wanted to cry—she wanted it deep down.

"You're lying," I stated firmly, and she just looked at me, locked eyes.

"Aria, I'm okay. We both know that my relationship with my mom will never be good, and I've come to terms with that. She'll never show me love, so let's not discuss this further. No matter how much she meddles, how much harm she inflicts, if she scolds, yells, or criticizes me—I still have to face her every day— and I accepted that. There's no point in talking about this topic, let's just close this topic, please."

"Fine, whatever you say, but know that I'm always here for you."

"I know, and I'm really grateful for that."

She smiled at me, turned her head, and started jotting down what the teacher had written on the board into her notebook.

When would she escape this wretched, hellish life—when would she genuinely find happiness, when would she come to school with joy in her heart?

She checked the time, clearing her throat.

"Come on, doll up for your date, class is about to end!" she said with a burst of energy, handing me my favorite lip gloss. I'd run out of it lately, and I'd been grumbling about it whenever I could, yet Aneira went ahead and got it for me again—I just love this girl.



"I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" We both wispered loudly so we wouldn't bother the students who actually wanted to listen to the teacher.

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