Chapter 16: I love you.

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Matthew and I met at a cafe, chose a table, and sat down. We've been coming to this cafe for years, it was like our special place.

"So, what's so important that you want to confess to me, Matthew?" I said in a normal tone, not feeling the urge to smile, laugh, or joke internally.

After my fight with Ivor, things had become strained between me and Matthew, and I wondered if he saw me as unjust. I hoped not, I truly couldn't bear to lose another close friend.

I appeared strong, but within me storms raged, and my heart genuinely ached. The only thing that eased my pain was the time spent with Aria. When I was with her, everything else faded away, and it felt like she and I were the only ones in this world.

Yet, sometimes, it just wasn't enough. Sometimes, it didn't fill the void left by my friends because it wasn't the same thing.

"Look, Zaid, I know I couldn't be there for you during tough times, it seemed like I treated you unfairly. It was wrong of me, and you were there for me in the end, no matter what. That's why I wanted to apologize. Let me make this clear-I never thought you were wrong, I've just come to realize how unjustly Ivor behaved and what a mess he is. I don't want to meet or talk with him. Instead, I want to be your best friend, like in the old days, the best friend you can ever have."

"Matthew, I'm not holding any grudges against you, don't worry—we're all human, prone to making mistakes, having wrong thoughts, and being fallible, it's part of being human. Also, I know, we were close friends with Ivor, but it seems he doesn't value our friendship as much as we did. The best course of action is to leave behind everything with him, all the memories, and focus on the future. Look, I have a girlfriend now, you have someone too, and there's a vast life ahead of us—who knows, maybe a few years from now, both of us might have families of our own."

"You're right, I'm really glad we're having this conversation—really thought I was about to lose you, dude...also, talking about families, Zaid, we're only 18, could you slow down a bit? Are you about to dive into family life right away?"

"Oh, when I said a few years, I meant like 8-10 years or so—don't exaggerate, come on. Of course, no rush, there's so much I want to do with Aria before even thinking about that."

"I feel you, dude. I'm also looking forward to what's ahead with Vanessa after school."

"Dang, now it's just you and me, no Ivor... I miss him, damn. He had a unique character, so energetic, funny—it's a shame what happened to our trio friendship," I said, genuinely missing my friendship with Ivor.

"I was about to say the same. He messed up for himself and for us. Was it worth it for a girl when there are so many other girls out there? Besides, she never even looked at him, never loved him."

Curiously, I inquired, "How are you so sure that Aria never looked at Ivor with romantic intentions?"

"Aria talked to Vanessa about Ivor, you know, they have their own friend circle just like us—she filled me in on the details," he shared.

"Oh, right..."

"You know what? We should set up a double date, it sounds like a lot of fun, especially with Vanessa and Aria becoming even closer lately."

"Dang, you're right— that could be a lot of fun, I'll mention it to Aria, and she can talk to Vanessa, girls are more adept at handling these organizational matters."

"Yeah, that's right." He chuckled, pushing my shoulder.

"Did you manage to grab a Christmas gift for Aria? I haven't hit the stores for Vanessa's present either. Whenever you're free, we could go together. After all, Christmas is just around the corner," he suggested in a more casual manner.

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