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All the Headcannons below are in reference to the nonhuman beings of the MCD Universe. This will include, werewolves, Meif'was, elves, shadow knights and witches. I'll add more once the series goes further.


so I headcannon Meif'was and Werewolves this way. But I vision them as very humanoid. Meif'was have cat like teeth. Meaning they have slightly sharper teeth than a human and their canines are long and sharp. Meif'was of course have their ears and tail. But I vision them having noses that are human and cat like. They have thick bridged noses but their nostrils are cat like. Of course no whiskers or fur.
• Meif'was are very athletic. They don't need to really try to stay in shape. They're natural fast and agile, they can climb quite easily and aren't scared of heights. They also can jump high in the air as well as cover much ground when jumping forward.
• I like to imagine Meif'was as a culture who values soulmates. They see themselves only being with one person for the rest of their life. Their culture heavily values their family and children and protecting their family at all costs.
• Meif'was are very talented when it comes to hunting and farming. They create many traps and whacky tools and inventions to farm and hunting. They hunt small game like pheasants or rabbits. Meif'was are also talented chefs and bakers.
• women Meif'was are talented in magicks unlike their male counterparts and are able to harness it from a young age.
• while their skills and abilities are appreciated in some regions, in others they can be frowned upon. Especially in werewolf tribes or "prestige" places such as the guard academy or O'Khasis. They stereotyped as annoying in some places and seen as tricksters and manipulative due to their intelligence.


• Werewolf's, as mentioned above are humanoid in their "human" form. Their teeth are sharper than the Meif'was but still retaining some human size and similarities. Werewolves tend to be taller and more buff than humans. They have tall, furry ears and a matching tail. Their noses are also like the Meif'was. When they shift into their wolf forms, they are four legged and large like the twilight werewolves (hahahah)
• werewolves are very fit when it comes to pure strength. They can lift much more than their body weight. In their wolf forms they are fast sprinters and can jump. They're agile unlike in their human forms. They have strong senses of smell in both forms.
• werewolves appreciate family as well. Living in a tribal community allows them to be very close to their neighbors, friends and foes. They are a society where respect is earned with strength and rank. Men are valued more than women in most tribes. Sons are praised greatly. Werewolves aren't usually very monogamous, especially the higher the rank they were, the more women in their lives. Some tribes however did have more customs toward women and positivity, but it was few and far between.
• werewolves hunt by sheer force so their game consists of elk, deer, and beer. They also fish quite a bit. Their crops are less complicated, usually wheat or corn or potato. They make many stews as well. They use traps such as covered holes in the ground or similar to bear traps and cages. More violent than the Meif'was.
• men are praised much more in this society. A society based in mates and violence. For most tribes.
• most cultures don't support the werewolves and if they do, it's usually the more peaceful ones. Most villages and kingdoms disapprove of their ways. Mostly because of how public they are about polyamorous relationships and violence since most cultures hide it.


• witches come in many different forms in the world. Most are praised for their abilities of healing and herbs. Society goes through phases of disapproving of them. Most witches choose to distance themselves from humans because of the greed when it comes to making witches use their powers or make them potions.
• Depending on the power of the witch, they age very slowly. At any time though they can decide to age more natural look wise. Most do so after having children or some choose to age because they've been alive too long.
• they're known as being very closed off and secluded due to outliving those they love.
• part human part witches, will age faster than pure witches but slower than humans.
• witches are known as being very beautiful and have a way with their words.
• they are a very feminine culture and uplifting of women.

similar to witches, it's a society that uplifts women. Elves are known for being very intelligent and very good healers. They're wise and known as good listeners.
• they also live for a long time, most being immortal but usually after time they would decide to die because they felt they had been alive too long. They would let the forest absorbed their powers
• similar to witches, they isolate themselves due to humanities greed.
• half elves are similar to half witches when it comes to ages.

Shadow Knights

• shadow knights have been changing over the last hundreds of years. Shadow knights are the most violent of societies. Since it's basically hell, they indulge in every wrong. Everything they should suppress. The Nether is the safe haven of committing the worst deeds and your darkest fantasies
• They enjoy gambling and sex. Similar to the werewolves there is not belief in monogamy within in the Nether. They drink and fight and kill.
• Shadow Knights are of course immortal after killing who they love. Their appearance age wise after this is the age at which they died. (If a shadow knight waits a long time to kill someone to become a full shadow knight, they're stuck as slightly older)
• shadow knights who haven't fully transformed age slower in appearance and can live a little longer than a human by maybe 10/15 years.
• Full Shadow Knights have unnaturally fast reflexes and speed. They also lack pain or discomfort to an extent, meaning they don't slouch, they breath very slow and unnoticeably.
• Shadow Knights who haven't fully transformed also have better posture which is jarring to most folks. They have fast reflexes during fights but not fast enough to make them suspicious, but it is noticeable with how smooth their weapons glide or switch hands.
• Shadow Knights have a very inviting aura which makes it easy for them to kill or seduce people. They're perceived as very attractive, even if not conventually their aura and eye color or the way their hair flows or skin glows attracts people. People who view the shadow knight as a friend find it easy to bond with them and people who have romantic attraction to shadow knights find them very lovable and get attached
• shadow knights are very passionate lovers when it comes to affection and in the bedroom. ;)
• shadow knights who aren't fully transformed will act "out of order" from their old selves. Indulging in things they wouldn't normally and morally do. They usually have nightmares and visions as well as emotions going haywire in order to make them kill.
• However shadow knights who haven't turned still hold their values of their respective culture. (Ie monogamy etc.) the more mad they go the more they lose but there are ways to cope with this or stop the calling.
• full shadow knights cannot reproduce with humans or their species or not full ones. Not full shadow knights can't reproduce with full ones or their specifies and have very slim chances with doing so with humans.
• shadow knights are hated by all cultures especially those are worship the divine. Most kingdoms and villages will have hunting parties to kill them. They will imprison them and use them as training for dogs or soldiers. Shadow Knights are also sought after for armies or as guards if one dares. Having shadow knights on your side makes you a huge target

• when turned into Meif'was or werewolves with potions. Their teeth and noses will still human, making them obvious as fakes to one with a keen eye. (Half Meif'was and half werewolves still have sharp teeth which shows they weren't turned into that)
• cross breeding/hybrids doesn't work for Meif'was and werewolves. Witches and elves can sometimes do so but it's extremely rare and frowned upon

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