The meeting

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"FOR GODS SAKE, I AM ALLERGIC TO TOMATOES, ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT!" a lady yelled at the waiter. Mika was waiting in the queue for Mcdonalds and rolled his eyes at the woman holding up the whole line. She was short with a horrible haircut that made her look like a knock off Ellen Degeneres. On her face were oval black glasses that made her resemble a librarian. All in all she looked like her name was Jennifer.

It wasn't like she had any kids which meant she was probably too broke to afford real food

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It wasn't like she had any kids which meant she was probably too broke to afford real food. Mika could tell the cashier was getting stressed out and the other customers were becoming to feel uncomfortable. This was when they walked in. Every particle of air was drawn to them as they walked closer and closer to the Karen before...

SLAP! A red mark appeared on her face as 'Jennifer' stared at the stranger in shock. Mika grinned with a gleam in her eyes as she watched the unknown person give the trembling 40 year old a stare down. Whoever that hideous woman was ,she ran out of the store crying. Soon the restaurant was filled with applause for the random hero. Mika instantly knew what to do as slithered behind them. What would've happened is Mika stealing this person's ID and then staging a meetup. Keyword: would've. The gorgeous stranger turned around and stared at Mika with such intensity everyone watching thought they would leave a hole in her face. Everyone except Mika that is. Their cold stare only made her more drawn to the mysterious person who currently looked like they wanted to put her head on a kebab stick. 

"Take a picture it might last longer, my name's Hollow by the way," 'Hollow' finally said giving the girl a tired look. Mika just stood there mesmerized as Hollow walked off to order.

As she went home, she coughed trying to clear her throat. After that eventful day, she left with a smile on her face. She may not have gotten what she wanted (Hollow's ID and a Happy meal) but she knew deep down, they would meet again.

1st chap done😛should ship name be Hoka or Mikow

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