Doves and milkshakes

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Mika ran back down the hill from the ice cream truck to Hollow, who was waiting patiently. She wondered how she got into this predicament of buying ice cream for her tutor who she may or may not be developing a crush on.


"So if (a x a) + (b x b)=c x c and a-"Hollow droned on about some sort of theorem as Mika sat with her head in her hands. This was their 5th lesson and all she learnt so far was Hollow's slaps hurt and too many could leave a red mark on her arm. It was all worth it tho to watch their eyes narrow with suspicion every time Mika opened her mouth. Mika coughed slightly, drawing attention to herself and with the way Hollow was squinting, she could tell that they knew Mika had not been paying attention to anything coming out of their mouth. Mika smiled sheepishly awaiting the slap she expected but instead, she was met by a sigh. Slightly tilting her head, the red head glanced at her tutor. They were engrossed in something on their phone and narrowed their eyes the way they did-would've done-to Mika. Now, she was curious. Looking over their shoulder she saw a bunch of dove g.i.f.s. This piqued her curiosity as she had never seen Hollow smile at their phone before like they were doing right now. 

Noticing Mika looking over their shoulder, Hollow quickly spun her head round. Now both their faces were inches apart as they gazed into each other's eyes. Mika could see her reflection in Hollow's gorgeous eyes as they shone. They were a rich brown and reminded Mika of the a bottomless pit, danger and a valuable stone hidden deep in the depths. They reminded her of the murky waters in which when you dig deep in you find riches beyond your wildest dreams. Of something broken and something powerful. They reminded Mika of life. It went deeper than you thought; yes, everyone went through it but if you dug into it enough, you'd find a priceless object that not everyone could obtain.   

Hollow glanced down at Mika's lips and back at her eyes.  Before she could do something reckless, Mika backed away. Hollow's mouth turned downward slightly and Mika suddenly felt self-conscience. Falling in love with someone was dangerous enough let alone their tutor who was coincidentally Hollow Repante (most likely they would get so pissed at her one day that they'd squash her like a bug). (PJO reference anyone???)

Hollow quickly cleared her throat and stood up saying,"I think our session is over for today, I will see you same time in 2 days."

Not wanting her to go, Mika impulsively grabbed on to the other teen's shirt. Hollow looked back both puzzled and annoyed at the same time. Blurting out something random off the top of her head, Mika asked,"Wanna go get ice cream?"

Without showing the happiness inside of them, Hollow took her 1 scoop vanilla, 1 scoop chocolate with a flake from Mika. Forgetting about her mentee for a second, they smiled. Hollow smiled. They smiled and it was the most beautiful thing Mika had ever seen. Their eyes lit up while staring at the cone and their mouth turned upwards. Mika gawked, open-eyed, open-mouthed at her gorgeous tutor. It felt like the birds were chirping and even the sun had come out to see Hollow smile. Unfortunately, this caused Mika to drop her 2 scoops vanilla cone on the floor. That mistake resulted in the most magnificent sound Mika's ears ever heard. Staring at the beauty in front of her, Mika watch Hollow's mouth open and a laugh escape. A tornado could have swept Mika away and she would still be thinking about that drop-dead smile and stunning laugh. If there was ever a time Mika had wanted to commit suicide, she was glad she didn't because now she was alive to witness this moment. Not only witness, but be the cause of this sight. 

"All those failed tests were worth it," Mika thought to herself smiling as she watched Hollow's chest heave with laughter and that melody leave those lips, Mika desperately wanted to kiss, once again. 

**I wanted to publish it but there's still more about this chapter so I will make a part two when I can and just give a short one for now**

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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