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Mika dragged her feet as she sluggishly marched to school. Today, there was a Math and Science test. Her teacher had warned her that if she didn't pass this test, another student would be forced to tutor her. 

By the end of the day, Mika was wondering who would be her new tutor as she skipped through the halls. There was absolutely no way she passed that test. There were questions about Pythagorean Theorem while she was still struggling to understand how the flip  a x b was not equal to c. 

"Who needs Maths?" she thought,"when you can just get a rich sugar daddy or sell feet pics."

She paused for dramatic effect before throwing the door open and waltzing into the library. Mrs Elwari glared at her so hard her face started turning red. Mika would have been cackling if it wasn't for the fact a student had gotten jumped last year by said librarian for returning a month after the dead line. Thankfully, the security cameras and other people in the room prevented the short women with anger issues from launching herself across her desk. That wasn't to say Mika was safe...

Another person (this time her age) was glaring at her just as hard. She prayed she hadn't already pissed off her-very good looking-tutor already but as luck would have it, she had pretty much made an enemy of the person she was going to spend hours upon hours after school with. There were now 3 options of what she could do.

A) Flirt with them until they like her

B) Stalk them and find something they could use to create a friendship out of

or C) Apologise and focus on the work

When her tutor lifted the hood off her head she instantly knew what she was going to do. Mika felt cockroaches crawling in her stomach. Hollow was just as beautiful as they had been in McDonald's. There was a minute of awkward silence in which Mika forgot how to breathe.

"How can a human be this gorgeous? Are they part goddess?" the awestruck girl thought.

"Are you ready to get started or will you keep gawking at me?" Hollow inquired raising an eyebrow. It was clear they were not impressed by how much of a simp Mika had been. Grinning, Mika answered back, "Would there be any consequences if I picked the latter option?"

"Yes," Hollow replied slapping the back of the taller girl's head. 

"Owwwwwwwwwww," Mika moaned.

"This is gonna be a long year," Hollow sighed as the other girl whined.

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