Tay is a crumb is typing
Tay is a crumb: Heyyyy Jenna
Tay is a crumb: Jenna
Tay is a crumb: Jennnnnnnnaaaaaaaaa
Tay is a crumb: JeNNa AnSwER mE
Tay is a crumb: I CaN SeE YoUVe reAd mY MeSSaGeS
Jenna bear 🐨 is typing
Jenna bear 🐨: Tay it's like three am and I have school tomorrow 😓
Tay is a crumb: Sorry Jen
Tay is a crumb: I just really need your help with a decision
Jenna bear 🐨: Which is...
Tay is a crumb: What colour should I dye my hair?
Tay is a crumb: Blue ends,ombre or just cut it?
Jenna bear 🐨: You really woke me up just to ask me that
Tay is a crumb: Yes
Jenna bear 🐨: Blue,it would look really cute on you
Tay is a crumb: Okay,thanks
Jenna bear 🐨: Okay now can I go back to sleep?
Tay is a crumb: No
Jenna bear 🐨: Why 😓
Tay is a crumb: Bc im bored asf and waiting for my mom to bring home my hair dye
Jenna bear 🐨: Pls let me sleep
Tay is a crumb: Nope
Jenna bear 🐨: K I'll just have to block you
Tay is a crumb: N0
Tay is a crumb: DONT BLOCK ME
Jenna bear 🐨: You think I'm adorable?
Tay is a crumb: Maybe...
Jenna bear 🐨: I think you're pretty adorable too
Tay is a crumb: You don't mean that
Jenna bear 🐨: Yes I do
Tay is a crumb: Why? I'm nothing special
Jenna bear 🐨: Yes you are! Tay you're one of the nicest and prettiest people I've ever met,you may not feel very special but you are to me
Tay is a crumb: You've literally just made me smile so much,I'm really glad we're friends Jenna
Jenna bear 🐨: I am too
Tay is a crumb: You can go to sleep now if you want
Jenna bear 🐨: Thank you!
Tay is a crumb: Goodnight ❤️
Jenna bear 🐨: Goodnight 💕
Jenna's POV:
I laid my phone back down beside me and tried to drift back off into sleep,but I had thought zooming through my mind.I was thinking about Tay.I had been thinking about her a lot recently,she was all I could think about.She made me feel someway,an indescribable way.She gave me butterflies and made a smile creep onto my face so much that my stomach and cheeks would begin to ache.But I was confused about what I wanted,I really liked her in a friend kind of way but also in a 'I want to hug you and kiss you all night' kind of way.I wanted to be more then friends with her,I really wish I didn't want to but I couldn't help it.I didn't want to like her because I knew it would never work for so many reasons.But I really wanted it to work,I could try to make it work,but is it worth the risk of destroying our friendship?Maybe.
Idk how I feel about this chapter,I kinda feel like I've rushed Tay and Jenna's relationship but I don't know.