Wellness on Wattpad ...

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I've wanted to address this for a very long time, but have to truly thank someone for making me do so. It may turn out I don't have much to add, but the Notification @preciouspearl20 posted last week made me realize just how much we're ALL NOT talking nearly enough about how well we handle this issue and maybe we should. Thanks, Pearl!

The Writers' Undergound (whom shall remain secret, but we all can blame) @GideonEaston and I from the @KnightsOfDystopia profile and call it Knights Code.

This is our pact!—we bail when we need to and that's understood. It's the Primary Directive within the Knights' Code; and where we all started using the name! (Right after being a knight, and devoted to kindness, naturally... of course, there's lots more, but for the moment I'll tackle the thing about wellness... and "life"! Oh, my goodness, there's life!)

(And, Yes! Of course, you can join. You—right now—have been good and properly Knighted! Be welcomed, Good Knight! 🤗)

We're all sincere here! Most of us are... and downright hard-working... maybe obsessed! Let's say... we're devoted.

And, we of course, being part chipmunk, will let each other know what's going on when we can and should need to go missing, but the problem comes in (for me anyway!) when I try to address General Wattpad to do the same thing.

Who wants to hear why I go missing—especially at this MIA frequency lately?

[This is a sidenote: but just for the record, please know that at home I've become frustrated around people feeling afraid of sharing what's real and the truth, so I've rebelled and instituted a complete TMI-FREE zone, so you're rather safe here.]

Our challenge: these days so much "off WP life" change comes up all the time, that it no longer sounds like a polite short term notice. The chipmunk thing worked for most of my life. But lately, the chaos...

And I, for one, always feel guilty and awful when I'm MIA. (I know you don't do this! ;)) Some of you are much more used to this world. I live in the bush, so forgive me... as nature evolves there's so much going on, with weather, crisis events, animals, health, other people, family, demands on our time...that's storming my life... often.

And just when it all seems it might settle down... it blows up again.

I can't predict life... and lately that has been wonky as heck, and "go with the flow" means I trade in my waders for a row boat instead.

I know no one minds... NO one... not really! Nobody does. We all understand. We're all in boats of the same times and making—much more water to float on it seems than can fall from the sky. And yet it does.

So what do we do with our regular 'people' and works?!

I'm suggesting we all talk us up a good ark!

Wattpad itself is a peculiar problem in the manner it works... and I may be quite wrong, but I'll reflect for myself. Chime in where you want, especially ideas.

There appears from my "POV" to be three different Wattpads. Perhaps not for real, but in the manner it functions and the daily who's who of it all for us writers.

There are writers (who primarily write). There are readers (who primarily read). And there are some new folks (who have yet to learn some of the "things" of our own social norms—where common good practice and needs, through the long haul of writing, lead us to adapt and adopt for this platform).

Then, within that, there are all the different reasons we write, different reasons we're here posting our passions on WP, and different reasons we read.

There's, of course, climate change...

Social conditions and growing concerns as we all meet these conditions head on... and encounter each other—so different, so same...

There's a thing we called Covid, which we gave up even talking about for the most part... and so, so much more going on all the time through our lives...

It seems it is impossible to be 'responsible to' in the old ways we were—too much to hang onto and happening to and for us in really big ways.

I have to say since AI came along a lot has improved. It seems like so many folks here on WP just disappeared. The people who 'stuck' are a freaking cool group! And that I feel really helps! We're lucky right now!

Why does it help me?

Because I know that you know and I know Knights Code. We maybe don't say it, but we know how it goes. We know how hard it is to write a whole book and maybe write many. We know how things work with the back and forthing of reading and comments—and we all try to help.

There isn't one of us here who has time constraints in much constant balance.

We want to give folks the same kind of feedback that we're needing and getting from our being together.

It's great. Viva la Wattpad!

In short, I'll just say how we do it is this:

It is trust!

And that's a darn fine thing we all practice, so clearly in action each day and seem to widen, expand even further as new moments pass...

Sometimes, we each can't meet our own hopes, much less expectations, but—darn it—we try! And we know we all mean to... intend to and WANT to...

But here's what I love about the writers on Wattpad...

Without even speaking... we know this about 'us' and we put ourselves out there as much as we can!

I think we are cool!

I'm not going away, unless somebody makes me!

I thank each and every one of you for being my friends!

Cheers, all good Knights! I think we all rock!
Ching, ching to us all...

...to the good Knights of Wattpad!

Much happy writing and tales of great glory! ✍️

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