✿⁠ 9 ✿

506 17 41

Pain transcends beyond anything.
You don't have to know someone to understand what they're going through and how they're suffering.

The three boys didn't know each other, yet the two who basically just rescued jisung seemed scared half to death.

The one who carried him in his arms held jisung's face, searching all over it for any sign of bruises.
There were a couple but seemed halfway healed.

He had to tap jisung's face a couple times because he seemed so out of it. Eyes void of any emotion what so ever, like a wounded soldier losing the will to finish fighting a war.

Jisung finally turned his head after a couple minutes and what compelled him to hug the person Infront of him was beyond jisung.

Jisung wanted to gag at any sort of physical contact but for some reason, he just needed to hug the boy in front of him.

"Shh, you're alright..it's okay.." he didn't know why he cried because of those few words.

It was more like he knew but didn't want to dwell on the person who came to his mind after hearing them.

That person being his father.

He didn't even get to attend their funeral and that alone added to the immense amount of pain he was letting out through his broken sobs.

"I don't think channie can hold them off for long, so how about we get you somewhere safe?" Jisung peeled himself away and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands.

He felt another hand enclose around his and looked down, then back up at the person whom they belonged to. They gave him a small smile before signalling to other that they should leave.


"What's your name..?" "It's just that I don't know who you are, and I hope you don't think I'm weird but you kinda did.. save me.."

The three of them were now at a house and the younger of the two boys insisted that jisung ate something, then ran him a bath before they congregated in the living room.

He grinned and ruffled jisung hair, "it's okay, but I don't think my name would be that important. I won't be here for long after all."

There was a tinge of sadness in the way his sentence ended and jisung panicked thinking the boy was gonna end himself.

The eldest stifled a laugh and corrected the boy's mistake.

"No he just means he has to move out of town for a long while. His parents are moving for a job offer."

Jisung visibly relaxed, "well then don't scare me like that! Word your stuff properly next time!"

The boy sighed but smiled, "next time.."

The eldest watched the two get absorbed within each other's presence and just let it be.

He felt as if it was the universe doing it's work and who was he to interfere.
So he got up, telling them to go to bed soon and left to his room.

"If you can't tell me your name.. can I know what you like?" Jisung looked at him with hopeful eyes that he'd agree to his small request.

The boy seemed deep in thought before saying, "I don't see the harm in it so, okay." He shifted positions on the couch so he was now facing jisung.

"I love cats. Like when I say love, I mean love. If I see a stray cat on the side of the road, it's a must that I walk up to it and feed it. And I also wanna have cats of my own but my parents say I can't right now. Also..."

Jisung tried to pay attention, he really did, but something about the boy Infront of him was indescribably mesmerizing.

He was young, but he wasn't stupid.
Having to grow up mentally is a cruel thing no one should ever have to go through, but unfortunately jisung had to.

Looking at the boy Infront of him go on and on about different traits his cats had was endearing to say the least.

He got the same feeling right then and there like when the boy held his hands a few hours ago. It wasn't full blown fireworks, more like little sparks igniting throughout him.

The boy had stopped talking but jisung didn't notice that until after and he awkwardly laughed it off and looked in a different direction.

"You must be tired. Let's sleep yeah?" Jisung eagerly nodded his head and took the boy's outstretched hand.

The tingling feeling again...

Do not be surprised when
I say I've ran out of chapters
to post...

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