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in the opulent halls of the evercrest castle, the air hung heavy with anticipation as princess reimu endou and prince liam ashton awaited the summons from their parents. reimu's pale pink eyes shimmered with curiosity, her curls bouncing as she shifted in her seat. liam's sharp blue gaze, however, remained fixed on the ornate tapestries adorning the walls, his expression a mask of indifference.

the king and queen entered the room, their regal presence commanding attention as they took their seats opposite their reluctant heirs. reimu's mother, queen isabella, spoke first, her voice tinged with a hint of solemnity.

"reimu, liam, we have summoned you here today to discuss a matter of great importance," she began, her gaze flickering between her daughter and the prince.

reimu exchanged a wary glance with liam, her intuition telling her that this discussion would alter the course of their lives in ways they could not yet comprehend.

"our kingdoms have long been allies," the king continued, his voice resonating with authority.

"and in order to solidify this alliance, it has been decided that you, princess reimu, and you, prince liam, shall be wed."

reimu's heart skipped a beat, the weight of her parents' words settling heavily upon her shoulders. she opened her mouth to protest, but before she could utter a word, liam's voice cut through the tense silence.

"with all due respect, your majesties," he interjected, his tone laced with defiance,

"i fail to see how forcing a marriage upon us serves the interests of our kingdoms."

reimu nodded in silent agreement, her eyes flashing with determination as she met liam's gaze. despite their differences, they shared a common reluctance to sacrifice their autonomy for the sake of political expediency.

the queen sighed, her expression softening with empathy.

"we understand your reservations, dear children," she said, her voice tinged with regret.

"but the needs of our kingdoms must come before our personal desires."

reimu clenched her fists, the fire of defiance burning bright within her. she refused to be a pawn in her parents' political games, a sentiment she could see mirrored in liam's steely resolve.


alone in the quiet sanctuary of her chambers, reimu gazed out the arched window, the moon casting a soft glow upon the sprawling gardens below.

the weight of her parents' decree hung heavy upon her heart, a burden she could scarcely bear.

with a heavy sigh, reimu turned away from the window, her thoughts consumed by the impending marriage that loomed over her like a shadow.

she knew she had to confront liam, to seek solace in the face of uncertainty, no matter how reluctant he may be.

summoning her courage, reimu made her way to the grand hall where liam awaited, his demeanor as cold as the stone walls that surrounded them.

with each step, her resolve hardened, her determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

as she entered the hall, she found liam standing by the window, his silhouette bathed in the pale moonlight. his back was turned to her, his posture rigid with defiance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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