Chapter 3: Bullies

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Lloyd's POV

Skylor said "Hey, Garmadork, did you listen to our new hit song?"

Brad then added "It's called" he then got all in my face and yelled "BOO LLOYD!"

I sighed. This kind of thing was normal for me. Skylor had been bullying me since I first got here. She was the one who thought of the nickname Gamadork. Brad also had been bullying me since the first day of school, but he's more like Skylor's sidekick than an actually bully.

"No, I'd never listen to one of your stupid songs," I said.

"Oh, that makes me sad. I think I might cry. You wouldn't want me to cry. Would you?"

"Sure. Cry as much as you want. You can even cry yourself a river for all I care."

"You do know what happens if she cries? She'll tell them that it was your fault, and then you'll get sent back to your boarding school. Where you belong," Brad said. I had to stop myself from punching him.

"Yeah, I know. Why were you two waiting for me at my locker? Skylor, are you in love with me or something?" I already knew the answer, no, Skylor was definitely not in love with me. Skylor wasn't in love with anyone, which was funny, because two people were in love with her. Brad had a giant crush on her, and Kai also had a crush on her though he didn't make it as obvious.

"No. Just wanted to talk with you about our new song." She had a mischievous smile on her face that I knew all to well.

I'd not only seen that smile on her face, but on the faces of everyone in Darkly's. It always sent chills down my spine.

"Scared? Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"For some reason I don't believe that."

"I also wanted to remind you just how horrible you are." I sighed. How many times did she do this? Fourty-eight?

"You remind me everyday. You don't need to remind me again."

"But I do. Because you seem to think that you deserve to go here."

"I do. Just as much as you do. Actually less." That made her mad.

"You little brat! No wonder your parents hate you!"

No matter how many times I heard it it still hurt me.

"No one could love a brat like you. Not your dad. Not your uncle. Not even your mom."

I wanted to tell her it wasn't true. That my mom loved me more than anything. But who puts their child in a boarding school like Darkly's? Certainly not someone who loves their child.

"Are you gonna cry?"

"No." I never cried. Not when I was hit. Not when I was bullied. Not even when my own father left me. Never.

This seemed to make her even more mad.

"Oh. You will." Being the monster she was, she began to pull my arm the wrong way in an attempt to make me cry. What kind of person tries to break someone's arm just so that person will cry?

"This is what happens when you disobey," a voice rang in my head.

Everything seemed to remind me of Darkly's. Especially torture. The teachers often beat me when I didn't listen.

I guess it makes sense. Darkly's is a school for villains. Not heroes. But that didn't make it any better.

She pulled harder and harder, and I tried to pull away, but before I managed to escape her grip she said something that made me stop in my tracks.

"I'll tell them that this was all your fault. Then they'll send you back to that boarding school, and I'll never have to deal with you again." She said it in a sharp whisper, and I was pretty sure that even Brad hadn't heard it.

I sighed, giving up once again. It didn't matter who I told no one would believe me. They all believed that Skylor was a saint, and that I was a brat.

Eventually she pulled to far, and I heard a loud crack. She chuckled.

"Guess you were right. Maybe next time it'll be different." They began to walk away, and I just stood there, staring.

I carefully let go of my arm, and to my shock it bent the wrong way.

"She actually broke it. She broke it. She actually broke it," I said, panicking.

"How am I supposed to do any school work with a broken arm."

"I-Is it your d-dominant hand?" a boy asked. I knew that voice. Jay.

"No, but it's still my arm."

"You should g-go to the nurses office."

"They won't care."

"They w-will. They cared when I broke m-mine." Jay was infamous for being a clutz. The number of times he'd broken a bone were shocking.

"You're not a Garmadon."

"What does th-that have to do with it?"

"Surprisingly, everything. The last time I broke a bone, which was also in school, I asked the nurse and she told me that she doesn't treat Garmadons."

"That's horrible."

"I know."

I walked away, holding my arm. Hopefully no one would notice.

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