21. Rimuru's chaos

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Milim is now angry. He no longer cared about the scenario that Clayman was pretending to control under supervision.

"Milim, where are you going?"

Frey tried to stop Milim. He felt goosebumps seeing Milim's angry expression that he had never seen before, but her aura didn't leak at all. Whether it was Milim controlling him or Milim not really showing her anger, both still made Frey afraid.

Could it be that Milim was actually controlled from the start and is now aware that's why she's angry? But that's all not true.

"I'm going to finish off that damn Clayman! He really went too far in making Rimuru like this. I won't have mercy. Ah, Frey! You just wait here with Carrion. Don't worry, I won't involve you! This is my business with Clayman."

"Why should I do this if I can't save my best friend!"

Milim has not just watched Clayman act arbitrarily all this time. He also observes Clayman's actions which continue to give Rimuru problems. But this went too far and Milim couldn't let it go this time.

Forget the scenario! His friends are more important than that. What Milim was afraid of was Rimuru becoming like he used to be. This time Clayman really missed it. He must feel his anger!


Rimuru currently couldn't control his anger. No one could stop him now who was preparing to vent his anger. Absolutely no one was allowed outside the barrier he had worked so hard to create before leaving.

When he returned, Tempest had become a sea of ​​blood. The place he built as a paradise for monsters and humans are allowed to experience it is now no different from hell. Humans and monsters, all their corpses fell along the way.

Rimuru remembered. On his way home, he met Rachel. Rachel, who said her city was disturbing, provoked the angels to attack more quickly, which she didn't really understand. He didn't hesitate to launch an attack that pushed him to the point of despair as if he wanted to make Rimuru realize how big their difference in strength was.

Rimuru now knew how strong a hero was. No, actually Rimuru doesn't care at all whether he is strong or not. What he couldn't accept was betrayal. Due to that betrayal, this tragedy occurred.

"Leave me alone!" It was Rimuru's request that just came. He didn't want to be disturbed by anyone.

And among the hundreds of corpses, one of them lay Shion in a terrible condition. The outside of his body looked smooth indicating that no direct attack had hit him. However, blood continued to come out of his mouth, nose and even ears. The bleeding seemed to have stopped, but Shion lost a lot of blood. Rimuru didn't know what happened to Shion and the others too. Just suspect this is one form of their attack.

Rimuru didn't know that inside Shion's body or most of the human corpses, their internal organs were completely destroyed.

Rimuru remained there for days. Tried to find hope, but he knew that death could not be returned. In despair, anger increasingly overflowing within him and even his mask cracking, no longer able to contain his uncontrollable aura, Rimuru vows to avenge their deaths.

However, before that they must be rested. Rimuru had no other choice. He could no longer expect Shion to open her eyes again, making her usual silliness.

That's when hope emerged.

Kaval, Ellen, and Gido forced their way in even though Rigur prevented them from disturbing Rimuru at this time. They arrived just in time, when Rimuru was ready to absorb them all.

“Rimuru, I…I can't say this has much of a chance of succeeding,…or like, there are,…there really are fairy tales about coming back from the dead.” Ellen had strengthened her resolve along the way here. Even though in the end her identity would be revealed and her freedom would most likely be taken away, Ellen had convinced herself.

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