chapter 3

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'You promised that we'll meet our mate yesterday and you didn't. Today if you don't I'll take control myself.' Leebit snarled at Minho. He was angry that Minho had just left Chan to go without any attempt to talk to him.

"No you won't. Chan hyung hasn't come to terms with the fact that he's our mate. He's probably scared because we're alphas. If I rush him he's going to reject us. Now keep quiet I'm driving." Minho argued back and surprisingly Leebit kept quiet.

He arrived at JYP university and parked his car. He had dance class for the first two hours and then he would return to his school to take his lessons. He took out his hoodie and tied it around his neck. He took a bottle of water and went to the dance studio.

He opened the door and got in the cold studio. The room always had a low temperature probably because their bodies heat up when dancing but geez! They could tone it down a bit. They were trying to kill them at this rate.

Then he smelt that scent he had missed so much. He turned to find Chan already looking at him as he was seated in the corner of the class along with Jeongin. Chan quickly turned away and Minho smiled a bit at his shyness.

"Hi everyone. So this is what we're going to do." Minho continued without even waiting for the response." I want you to get into groups of five and elect one leader. Tell me when you're done." Minho said and the students got to work.

"All done?"Minho asked and received a bunch of yeses from the students." Then can your leaders please step forward? The rest of you can continue with whatever you're doing." Minho said and all the leaders from four groups came out. Only Chan's group didn't have one.

"What about you guys or should I choose one for you?" Minho raised his eyebrow." No sir. Our precious Channie hyungnim is coming." Jeongin smiled and Chan sighed.

Minho could tell that Chan didn't want to do it and he almost changed him.' If you let him go today I'll smack your thick skull. This is your chance to be close to him." Leebit said. The five leaders were Chan, San, Jimin, Seonghwa and Yeonjun.

For the first time Leebit said something helpful and he couldn't help but smile as Chan lazily went to the front.

" Okay now I will first teach you the choreography and then you will teach your group. It's easier if it's like that since you already know the weaknesses and strengths of your friends." Minho looked at them one by one as he walked in front of them.

"I think we should first start with groups and as time goes on we can move on to pairs and we'll go solo for the last two months. Is that fine?" Minho asked and the students agreed.

"Okay I'm gonna teach you for the first thirty minutes the last thirty minutes you teach your groups and every group performs in the last hour." Minho said and everyone nodded.

Since the practice rooms were conjoined he took the leaders to the other rooms." Okay you Moon or did you say Sun. I want you on the far left. You look focused enough." San laughed at his remarks.

" It's San. S A N. San spelled it out and Minho face palmed himself and smiled at San." Jimin hyung. Centre hyung." Minho said and Jimin nodded while moving to the center.

"Seonghwa hyung far right and you're next to Chan hyung. Junnie you're between Jimin hyung and San." Minho said and Wolfchan felt betrayed. He was his mate for crying out loud but he called another boy Junnie.

Alphas can't mate(Minchan)Where stories live. Discover now