chapter 47

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Hours passed like eternity as Minho paced the hospital corridors, his heart heavy with dread. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, each second stretching into infinity as he waited for news of his mate and babies.

Finally, the nurse emerged from the operating room, his face wearing an undeniable mask of exhaustion and relief. "They're okay," he said, his voice arely audible over the rush of emotions. "Both babies are healthy, and your mate is fine too."

Minho's tears fell as he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, a burden of fear and uncertainty replaced by a flood of overwhelming gratitude.

Rushing into the recovery room, he found Chan lying pale and weak on the bed, his eyes fluttering open as he approached.

"You're awake," he said, his voice choked with emotion.Chan smiled weakly, his hand reaching out to grasp his.

"We did it," Chan said, his voice barely a whisper. "Our own little family."

And as Minho looked down at the two tiny bundles of joy cradled in his mate's arms, he knew that their love was stronger than any obstacle, their bond unbreakable in the face of adversity.

"Would you like to hold them?" Chan asked with a smile. Minho nodded and Chan nodded too indicating that he could.

Minho took a look at his babies for the first time and his eyes watered. His whole world was now complete with them in his arms.

The little girl looked like Chan in every way possible. From her blue little eyes to the blond hair. It was all undeniably his mate and he instantly saw from the little blue eyes that she was going to be a little trouble maker.

He could already imagine Chan's classic side eye on that little face and it brought a smile to his face. Chan looked at him lovingly happy that he was the one to give Minho that million dollar smile.

"Hi baby. Daddy's here" Minho said with tears in his eyes. He looked up to stop his tears from falling and Chan snorted. Minho rolled his eyes. It was supposed to be an emotional moment but Chan just had to ruin his moment.

"Would you like to name her?" Chan asked and Minho's eyes widened in shock. He hadn't expected Chan to give him the privilege of naming their daughter.

"He's ours Minho not mine. You have the right to name her too." Chan smiled warmly." Hi, little Azul Byeol." Minho said and Chan smiled." They're beautiful." Chan said." Just like little Azul and her daddy" Minho sassed.

"I bet my son's names are going to be more beautiful than your daughter's names." Chan giggled. Minho shook his head as he continued holding little Azul in his arms.

For Minho maturing was realizing that Chan would never mature at any point in life." Then can I hold your son?" Minho asked and Chan nodded with sleepy eyes.

Minho took the little guy after putting little Byeol down." His name?" Minho asked cradling the little boy that looked like a mixture of him and Chan.

He didn't understand why Chan's look had to dominate on the two of their little ones. It wasn't like Minho was ugly so why'd his pups choose Chan's looks? It was true that babies will always take their mother's side and his proved that.

"Lee Jasper Jihoon" Chan whispered before drifting off to sleep." Hi Hoonie. Time to see daddy now." Minho smiled at the little guy asleep in his arms.

"Should I just open your eyes to see the color? I'm kidding, daddy's a changed man now. No more fooling around" he chuckled alone. After a few minutes he left the sleeping babies and his mate as he went outside.

He was met with the expectant faces of his parents." How did it go? Is Chan okay? What about the babies? Say something Minho" his father asked.

"I will once you finish asking. Both Chan and the pups are fine and healthy" he said to him and everyone breathed a sigh of relief ever since they arrived at the hospital.

"How're they? Do they look like Chan or you?" Mrs Lee asked with excitement." They're so cute mom. Like.... I don't know how to explain. They're just....adorable, so cute, so Chan" Minho explained.

Everyone looked at his happy face as he tried to explain. The way that Chan's name popped up when he tried to explain about his pups said a lot about the way he loved and appreciated his mate.

"Ohhh I wish I had someone who loves me as much as Minho hyung loves Chan hyung" Seungmin sighed and Jeongin rolled his eyes at the drama.

"Oh mom. These are Chan's friends from college and I hope they consider me one too. This is Jeongin and this is Seungmin. They're mates." Minho introduced the two mates who bowed respectfully.

"Nah no need to bow. If you're Minho's friends then you're automatically my sons" she smiled at them.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier on. I know there's no excuse for talking to my own mother like that" Minho said and his mother smiled before opening her arms.

Minho threw himself in her arms and they hugged." Okay okay, no need for getting emotional people. We're in the hospital." Minho's father teared them apart and sat down.

"So did they tell you when he's gonna be released?" Mrs Lee asked. Minho shook his head and she nodded." Well I think you can go home now. You have a meeting in three hours if I'm not mistaken." Minho said and his father nodded.

"I'd forgot about that" his mother sighed." Okay see you then. Bye Jeongin and Seungmin" she waved to them with a smile and they waved back.

"Bye kids. See you around." Mr Lee said as they went out and the two mates bowed to him." Okay we'll get going too" Jeongin said to Minho.

"Who said you could go? You my lovely friends, are staying here with me so it's better if you just go to your car and take a nap. If you so as much try to run away...." he said.

"Hyung's so mean. I wonder how Chan hyung handles you" Seungmin said absentmindedly and sulked making Minho to laugh.

"Sulking won't help. It would be better if you saved all that energy by sleeping" Minho said and Jeongin nodded.

" Come on let's go honey. We'll tell Chan hyung all about the things we endured because of his mate." Jeongin pulled Seungmin up from the chair and piggybacked him as they went to their car leaving Minho alone with his thoughts.

To be continued

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