chapter 10

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"Chris wake up. It's already late." Minho shook Chan. Chan had been on and off his sleep. Minho couldn't count the number of times Chan had woken up only to go back to sleep.

Chan woke up and rubbed the sleep off of his eyes." What time is it?" Chan's voice was thick with sleep." Half ten. Do you have a lesson today?" Minho asked." No." Chan answered as he fell back to bed." No. Wake up Channie." Minho groaned.

"Wait! Lee Minho!!!!" Chan shouted into Minho's ear." What is it?" Minho put his hands over his ears." Who changed my clothes?" Chan seethed with anger.

"Chan calm down. I didn't see anything. I couldn't just let you be cold and you also ripped your clothes when you shifted yesterday. I'm sorry." Minho apologized whole heartedly.

He had meant to make Chan feel uncomfortable and he felt guilty for violating Chan's privacy. Chan also felt guilty for shouting at Minho like that.

Apart from Jeongin and Seungmin Minho was the other person who Chan felt safe with even though he happened to have some insecurities here and there.

"I'm sorry for overreacting. Thank you for taking care of me." Chan whispered and Minho nodded. Chan could see that Minho was still hurt over what transpired.

"Go take a shower and then we'll go to your house." Minho said and exited the room. Chan wasted no time and went to the bathroom.

"I'm done, we can go." Chan whispered as he stood in front of Minho." Go and eat first then we'll go." Minho said without looking at him.

Chan was about to protest but the look Minho gave him was enough to have him seated on the dining table and eating his breakfast. He didn't want to irritate, anger of hurt Minho more than he already did.

Chan finally stopped eating and he cleared his throat to alert Minho of his presence. Minho switched his phone off and took the car keys as they went out of the house.

The drive was quiet and uncomfortable one for Chan since it was too silent. He was used to Minho always talking nonsensical stuff that was way too random.

The two arrived at Chan's house and found his father and other relatives he really didn't know. Some of them were shedding crocodile tears and came to hug him.

He rolled his eyes as he returned their hugs lazily. Minho stood beside him as he watched Chan's relatives act out their drama.

Chan wondered what they wanted because he obviously wouldn't have anything left in his name. All he wanted was the funeral to be conducted at the earliest so he could move on with his life.

All the fake people there finally stopped bothering Chan. Apparently the funeral was the following day and his father hadn't even bothered to tell him. He was also worried about Minho. He had hurt him but he still supported him.

'Don't worry Chan. If you talk to him and apologize then I'm sure he'll forgive you.'  Wolfchan assured and Chan smiled at his assurance. He had missed his wolf so much and hearing his voice was the best thing ever in the middle of his predicament.

"Come I'll take you home so you can prepare yourself for tomorrow." Minho said.'Don't even think about refusing dumbo. This is your only chance to apologize to him.' Wolfchan interrupted Chan's thought process.

Chan couldn't agree any more than he did. It was his chance to apologize to him at the earliest rather than dragging the matter any further. Chan nodded and the two bid Chan's relatives goodbye.

The ride seemed to get more uncomfortable as time went by and Chan squirmed around in his seat. Just when Chan was about to pass out from the tension they arrived." Uhmm can you come inside for a bit?" Chan asked and Minho nodded.

The two got in the house and Minho sat on the armrest of the sofa. Chan went to the kitchen and took out a soda for Minho and gave it to him.

"I'm sorry for what I did earlier on. I was being selfish and inconsiderate of  what you did for me. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or self conscious around me." Chan said and Minho pulled him in for a hug.

"Please don't ever push me away like that. It hurts more than you can imagine. I can handle the pain again but not when it's from you. I can't." Minho said quietly.

" I won't push you away again and if I do just pull me and I'll get back to my senses." Chan played with Minho's hair.

"Can I see your wolf? Leebit has been nagging me that he wants to see Channie." Minho smiled at Chan. Chan wondered what made Minho change his behavior so quickly.

He shook his head trying to shake off the speculations running around in his mind before they made him crazy.

" Minho we can't shift at the same time." Chan's voice was just above a whisper." Why? It's only us now." Minho furrowed his brows." You know how much they adore each other." Chan said and Minho looked at him with confusion.

"It's only us now so if we both shift it's possible that we may uhmm we uh might mateinourwolfform." Chan whisper rapped the last part as he blushed a bit. Minho laughed a bit as he pulled Chan lightly by the waist and scented him.

"Isn't that great? You won't be insecure about me seeing your body." Minho said and Chan blushed as he hit Minho's chest in tiny with his fist." That's now in my to do list with you. Thank you for coming up with such a great idea." Minho chuckled.

"Minho?" Chan called out when he felt Minho's forehead on his own forehead and their noses touched. Minho pulled Chan even closer as he played with his hair and Chan's hands disentangled themselves and landed on Minho's chest.

Both Chan and Minho's breathing became heavy as they all wanted the same thing. The tension between them was so thick that even a knife wouldn't have been able to cut it.

"I promise I won't do anything. Just let me feel your closeness." Minho rasped out. Both Chan and Minho being alphas meant their senses were higher and somehow their scents were too much for Chan.

He knew if he stayed there any longer then they might end up doing something they would regret later and he needed to trust his mate. He had to trust that if Minho said he won't do anything then he won't.

"M-minho" Chan's voice came out like a moan as his body became weak to resist the tension." It's okay. I've got you." Minho released his calming pheromones.The two stayed in each other's embrace as they calmed their erratic heartbeats.

"I'll go home now. See you tomorrow." Minho said. Chan felt himself getting a little sad and Minho felt it." I'm only going home Chan. I'll come back for you in the morning. Also expect to see Seungmin and Jeongin. You were too overwhelmed so I informed them. I hope it's fine." Minho kissed Chan's forehead and Chan nodded.

" Okay then. I'll get going." Minho said and Chan let go and walked him to the door. Minho looked at Chan one last time before going and Minho gave him a small smile before going. 

Chan went back to the house and he made himself some noodles. He went to his room after eating already wondering when tomorrow will come. He blushed when he remembered what had happened between him and Minho.

To be continued

Finally Chan is catching feelings not only flights to Australia

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