Chapter 5. USJ ATTACK PART 1

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(Reference photo for the eyes, I love when they do that😭)

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(Reference photo for the eyes, I love when they do that😭)

Everybody was in shock. Many villains just swarmed out from this black/purple portal, we all thought it could just be part of the training, but your spidey senses were tingling, really bad. Your spider eyes widened as you realised this actually wasn't a test.

"Shit. Guys this is for real" you said to everyone
"Are you sure it's not just the start of our training?" Kirishima asked,
"Nah, I can feel it" you replied shaking your head.

Just after you said that aizawa told the class that it was a real attack. You noticed izuku starting to tremble and went over and put your hand on his shoulder "hey chill, we're gonna be fine okay" you carried on walking and went to aizawa as he started to give people instructions, you smirked under your mask and told him you were ready, and you were, you had been training all your life to be a hero, and now you could finally start, see this is why people found you reckless, but you didn't care, it was like living for the thrill.
(Guys your litch the lyric 'like what's up danger' 😈😈😈)

But he told you that you had to stay put because he didn't want to put anyone in real danger because this was a real threat. As izuku and aizawa went back and forth for a moment. Aizawa went down to fight and told thirteen that they were in charge. When he jumped down to fight you were about to follow when sero used his tape to pull you back "what are you doing y/n? Are you crazy mr aizawa told you not to go"

"Well we have to go and help, come on we can't leave him to fight by himself" , iida joined the conversation and said to you "That was extremely irrational y/n we were not given any orders to go down, that was very reckless and-"
"Iida look I'm sorry but I can't just stand here and do nothing" as the rest of the class either agreed with you or tried to talk some sense to you, you looked around to see if there were any villains close by.

When the thing you thought was the portal, known as 'kurogiri' came up to us and introduced his group as the 'league of villains'.

As he rambled on you started to get eager to fight, you locked eyes with kirishima and bakugo, you nodded at them both as a signal and the three of you launched yourselfs at it, bakugo blasted at it and kirishima said, "did you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" You smiled knowing you were both on the same page, as he hardened his skin and you could feel the electric start to surround your arms.

"You live up to your schools reputation, but you should be more careful otherwise someone might get hurt" the thing said to you and wrapped you all up in its portal and scattered you all to different parts of the facility.

As you were with kirishima and bakugo before everyone was split up, the three of you ended up in the same area, 'collapse zone'. You three were stood in a room surrounded by a bunch of irrelevant villains, now this was going to be fun. You smiled eagerly at bakugo and he caught your expression smiling back insanely sparking little explosions from his hands.

"You guys are pathetic, really got nothing better to do with your lives than fight teenagers huh?" You asked laughing and mocking them. Bakugo chuckled along "you extras are getting destroyed" kirishima was feeling the same energy and told them to come at us.

"NOW DIE!!" Bakugo screamed and they all came at us.

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