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"I found this at that place," Bella said, pointing at a storage area.

Bella brings a few books with her. She put the books in front of them.

"Good to avoid boredness I guess," Amber took one of the books.

"Why are they taking a long time showering?", Nowa wondered.

Meanwhile, they're actually having a really hard time handling Allan who won't even budge a bit.

"Are you not moving, Allan?", Mike asked.

"What the How long are you gonna keep up with this state? I might reopen my stitches at this rate!", Daniel slowly feels kinda annoyed.

They both sigh. There's no choice anymore except to just open his clothes to shower him. He won't help himself so someone else needs to do it.

Not long after that, everything is done. They put him back inside the fresh clothes, fixing his hair a bit before helping him up again.

"I'm gonna see what we have at the storage area. Can you handle him?", Mika asked.

"Yeah, it's okay. Please find something that might help with this situation."

Mike nodded. Daniel continues walking, taking slower steps since it's impossible to walk faster with Allan's weight on him. But Daniel saw somewhere interesting to stop by before entering the tent.

"You stay here," he said after he put Allan's down.

It's like a mini garden that happens to be around this safe camp. This safe camp really isn't like the previous one. Everything is perfectly in order. Admiral Mika really did a good job with that.

"Ahh, it feels nicer here, right?", Daniel said, trying to make Allan talk.

Allan just looks around. Indeed, it feels nicer. A perfect place for him to be on one knee for Maya. If only she's still around. He slowly pulls out the ring from his pocket.

"You think this is a perfect place for it?", Daniel asked.

Surprisingly, he nodded. He held on tight to the ring, hoping that he could turn back time.

"Al, I didn't know you and Maya that well, but believe me, Maya doesn't want you to feel sad. She loves you. And no one wants to see their loved one feeling sad."

"Easy to say than done."

"Yeah, I know that. But you should try. Live a good life for Maya. I'm pretty sure that she has a lot that she wants to do. Do it for her. Perhaps, it will make her happy."

Allan stayed silent for a while. His facial expression showed that he was thinking about something.

"A cake," he said.

"Cake? What cake?"

"We saw a black forest cake at one of the bakeries near our house. It's just a simple two-layer cake but she loves the decoration. One day, we bought it together and ate it at our house. She then said, the cake is good and she's pretty sure that the kids at the kindergarten in front of our house would love it. But we didn't manage to do that."

"So, you want to do that for her?"

"Yeah... went she told me that, her eyes were beaming. Like she was excited about it. She likes kids. We even thought about having a couple of our children. But I can't do that for sure."

"But you can give the cake to the kindergarten, am I right?"

He nodded.

"All you have to do is stay alive. Only then can you do it for her."

He nodded again. He feels like he really wants to do it. No matter what happens, he wants to fulfil that one wish of hers at least.

"Good! Now let's get back to them. After all, I have a feeling that Nowa will be nagging at me because I keep you here!", Daniel said, quickly standing up from his seat.

Allan followed him right away. But, he suddenly stopped and called him.

"Daniel," he said.


Allan pulls him into his hug. He feels a bit better now. Daniel did help him to keep on going. That's why he panicked when Daniel got shot.

"Thank you," he said.

"No problem. I mean, you also did comfort me before," Daniel patted his back.

"And you also can't die," Allan added.

"Pretty sure I won't. Despite everything that just happened."

They walked back to the tent. And as expected, Nowa's face has already changed.

"Where have you been?", Nowa asked.

"Nowhere. We just sit at the mini-park, right there," Daniel said, pointing to the mini-park.

"You should at least tell Mike about it."

"Mike left before I saw that place. Chill out, Nono. Nothing bad happened. Allan is fine now."


Allan just nodded. He doesn't feel like talking that much but his face is telling them that he's doing better now. He needs to stay alive for Maya.


It's 9 a.m. All the people inside this safe camp are having some breakfast. Some of them also do some yoga together. This safe camp really brings a positive vibe to each other. No one really finds it bad to stay here. Looks great!

"Bella, can you pass me the pepper?", Nowa said since the black pepper was next to Bella.

But Bella seems to be distracted by something else.

"Bella?", Nowa calls her again.

"Bella bello?", Daniel tried to get her attention but also failed.

"Bella!", Nowa shook her entire body.

"Huh? What?"

"Bella, what's going on? You seem so distracted," Nowa asked.

"No, nothing. What do you want?"

"Pass me the pepper."

"Oh, here you go."

Bella hands the pepper before zooming out once again.

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